FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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This is already far in the old posts, but I must apologize for being cocky while I was wrong with the "missing dollars because of DMCA" that I confused with a euro-dollar problem. I'm sorry, and I stand corrected.

Good to have this off my shoulders, sorry to those who remember what it was about.

Now, about the site down problems, it's weird, I didn't have it even even once, and the uploads worked well today (not yesterday).
I want to know if the DL count is updated immediately after a download is registered, I've tried to download a file (free user) and then I checked my account and I have "0" downloads
We are working to solve the problems for webupload servers.
For FTP: if you have problems, close your ftp client and open it again, it should connect to another ftp server. The dns for is pointed to multiple ftp servers and just some of them have problems.
I am sorry that I can't be always online to respond to you all, but like you can see we have problems so that means I have to work.

Best regards
@fiberupload Understood what you are saying. but. try to understand everyday there is problem with uploads. If this stays up-loader will stop uploading and you will loose traffic..

No one will stay and wait for your upload be fixed everyday ... fix it so that it may work for at-least a week..with minimum % of downtime...
You're right. We are doing our best.
Thank you

Web upload should work fine for the moment. We are trying to stabilize the servers without going offline, and it's a hard work with this huge traffic.
I can't connect to any ftp, I can log-in to the site but I can't log-in to the ftp servers :(

RU: server is dead
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Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...

web upload down too

every day the same history....:facepalm:
no payment button now? only reseller account button? i almost get 20 but suddenly thepayout button changed into reseller account? is it the trick?very dissapoint me then :(
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