FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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no one can start with a space of 80GB is a shame

please incrase storage space for registred user to At lest 250gb!! what can we upload in a low storage of 78 gb????

Thank you all, I understood your point of view, we will take that in consideration and give you a straight answer tomorrow.


waiting, bt I think uploading limitations are not good for uploaders as well as file-host8-)
Hey if i transfer the earned money(in euros) to my unverfied paypal whose currency is set in US dollars ($). Will the paypal do the currency conversion in unverified paypal account or will it ask for verification to accept and convert the payment to dollars ??
Please reply if anyone knows anything about it.
Hey if i transfer the earned money(in euros) to my unverfied paypal whose currency is set in US dollars ($). Will the paypal do the currency conversion in unverified paypal account or will it ask for verification to accept and convert the payment to dollars ??
Please reply if anyone knows anything about it.

You can transfer euros. You will have euros on your PayPal balance, nomaterwhat if your primary currency is US dollars, and you can convert anytime in dollars.. It will request for verification when you will withdraw the money to a credit card or a bank account.. Hope you understand..
Yes, seems a waste of money to advertise on WJ if you're so explicit about copyrighted files. And who cares to buy a premium if warez uploaders are discouraged to upload these files.

Now I've come to think of it, I got quite a number of poems I want to share. Anyone?

i think they not pays for copy right content and bans the account if their finds any copy right content
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