FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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Yes, seems a waste of money to advertise on WJ if you're so explicit about copyrighted files. And who cares to buy a premium if warez uploaders are discouraged to upload these files.

Now I've come to think of it, I got quite a number of poems I want to share. Anyone?

I like ur frankness and straightforwardness. :)
Yes, seems a waste of money to advertise on WJ if you're so explicit about copyrighted files. And who cares to buy a premium if warez uploaders are discouraged to upload these files.

Now I've come to think of it, I got quite a number of poems I want to share. Anyone?

They have already closed as bulletupload how long will this last its just a waste of time for up loaders ,kids here they waste their time uploading to new host and by the time they are up-to date with their files the host disappears i am personally done with all new filehost i would rather upload on non affiliate host cause at-least they are honest and stable
If they are honest, they open accounts for the members who signup with bulletupload
to earn money and they are loosers now. First recover previous accounts in bulletupload
and then come here.
guyz don't waste your time with these shitting sites , every site with this crap script will not survive more than one month or less all are bullshit
Such shity hosts are spreading shit here, there and everywhere.
They think they gonna make huge money after death of megaupload and filesonic.
But do not forget their dad RS is still alive.
There is a very famous sentence in Indian language (Hindi) for such situations.

Naya 9 din purana 100 din.
(any newcomer cant beat the old one. Newcomer survives 9 days and old survives 100)

so these guys are just killing their time with such shitty script, nothing else.
It was a design error, fixed. Thanks for letting us know!

You win 50% from rebills also! Other websites give you more from sales, but they don't give rebills, and 70-80% from premium users will keep their subscription for more than 3 cycles, so you will earn much more in time than with any other file hoster.

how about PPS fixed $10?
Hey if i transfer the earned money(in euros) to my unverfied paypal whose currency is set in US dollars ($). Will the paypal do the currency conversion in unverified paypal account or will it ask for verification to accept and convert the payment to dollars ??
Please reply if anyone knows anything about it.

Your money will automatically convert in your PayPal account.

Welcome back Bulletupload

Bulletupload, fiberupload, dopeshare all same shit

They are a big company lol.
Yet another fail kid who found a copy of XFileSharingPro.

They have already closed as bulletupload how long will this last its just a waste of time for up loaders ,kids here they waste their time uploading to new host and by the time they are up-to date with their files the host disappears i am personally done with all new filehost i would rather upload on non affiliate host cause at-least they are honest and stable

If they are honest, they open accounts for the members who signup with bulletupload
to earn money and they are loosers now. First recover previous accounts in bulletupload
and then come here.

guyz don't waste your time with these shitting sites , every site with this crap script will not survive more than one month or less all are bullshit

Such shity hosts are spreading shit here, there and everywhere.
They think they gonna make huge money after death of megaupload and filesonic.
But do not forget their dad RS is still alive.
There is a very famous sentence in Indian language (Hindi) for such situations.

Naya 9 din purana 100 din.
(any newcomer cant beat the old one. Newcomer survives 9 days and old survives 100)

so these guys are just killing their time with such shitty script, nothing else.

Like we said in our first thread and in all our email we acquisitioned one big host (bulletupload) and a lot minor hosts (like dopeshare) .
All users and files from bulletupload are still here and are working.

XFileSharingPro is one of the best scripts in this business with a lot of good features. all the acquisitioned sites had this script and it was easier to integrate them with xfilesharing.
Anyway, this script is 90% customized by us.

Run a test and then judge!

how about PPS fixed $10?

We are working to integrate more options for sales, I will let you know.


Free accounts have now 100GB of storage.
We are working to integrate an option to convert your earned money to a cheaper premium account.

Thank you
Downloads are counted, bu earnings doesn't grew up.
I had 3 downloads this morning and 0.01€, now i have 6 downloads and still 0.01€
I hope you stop this permanently deleting of files which not reached the 60 Days.

You deleted hundreds of my files which i uploaded in February, now its only 30 days later and they are all deleted. And for sure no DMCA.

So my Premium is senseless if you delete files whenever you want.
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