i need address telegram support FembedI keep getting "Removed: Unsupported codecs" on my upload and when I asked on telegram support and he replied with "mkv, wmv, avi, mp4, mpeg4, mpegps, flv, 3gp, webm, mov, mpg, m4v are supported", WTF
When support stopped responding to any tickets and they blocked the ability to add your own ads, except for those belonging to their ad network, it was already signal that they had problems. Either they make so much money on it, without new content, that they don't even think about investing in new servers, or they recalculated and now they can't afford it lol. It was a good 5 year ride for me, but the sad truth is that this host is now dead.they are earning a lot on their owned "advertising network" so i don't know why aren't they releasing new server, anw i already drop this host hehe