Eywow.com URL Shortener - $10 per 1.000 Views

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Active Member
Eywow.com Viral Content Popups - CPM


We are
Eywow.com and we think that you dont need to annoy your visitors with ads to monetize your website.
We offer you 2 ways to earn money with us:

1. Create a landing page, all you need to do is to input a website where the traffic will be redirected, after we monetized it.

2. Include our ad code to your website, to monetize all of your visitors.

Example of our content:
Eywow - Stories

We pay a CPM of $0.20 to $7.50 depending on the quality of your traffic. You can withdraw via Paypal, minimum payout is $20.

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our rate per 1.000 points is $0.25 to $10.00 depending on the geo and the quality. Adult traffic is allowed.

Our new site widget will be launched in the next 2 weeks.

currently you can only withdraw via Paypal, but we will add Payoneer soon.

And we just launched our new page widget!

Best regards,

Added after 5 Days 22 Hours:

Check out our new full site widget to monetize your website!

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shenlong give you one simple queston then you avoid. RATES LIST.
Site looks totally like a scam without any information. Also u gonna be banned for spaming in other topic with your site.
shenlong give you one simple queston then you avoid. RATES LIST.
Site looks totally like a scam without any information. Also u gonna be banned for spaming in other topic with your site.


the rate per 1.000 visits is calculated for each of our publishers individually and is based on many different factors like the country or the visit duration. When you take a look at the website of Google Adsense you will find no rates, too. The reason for this is simple, if we just pay based on the country it is a very unfair system. And a system that will not work at all, because if someone send us bots visits from US, he would be paid more than someone sending us real visitors from France or Italy. I hope you see the reason why there are no fixed rates published at all.

All the best,

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1st - so give that algorythm with that factors.
2nd - you are not google adsense.
3rd - every system like ouo,shorte,linkshrink have clearly information, how pay, for what pay. You dont wanna give it to public information your magic factors.
4rd - no TOS, rules clearly information. blank pages in footer. FAQ for suckers. 0 information about clicks per IP, other important question (yeah, again magic factors).

So you totally untrustworthy.
1st - so give that algorythm with that factors.
2nd - you are not google adsense.
3rd - every system like ouo,shorte,linkshrink have clearly information, how pay, for what pay. You dont wanna give it to public information your magic factors.
4rd - no TOS, rules clearly information. blank pages in footer. FAQ for suckers. 0 information about clicks per IP, other important question (yeah, again magic factors).

So you totally untrustworthy.


we designed our algorithm in a way, so we can detect fake traffic. So it should be common sense why we will not publish it, you can be sure if you send real visitors, they will be tracked correct. Your other points are the same, so there is the same answer, but we already provided you with some of the factors. For example the country and the visit duration.

This are our TOS Impressum | Eywow
Datenschutz | Eywow

They are in german, because we are a german company.

Added after 5 Days 16 Hours:

We expierenced some downtime in the past days, because of so many people loving Eywow. We are now up and running again, with new servers.
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