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  1. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    Hey, you can just send them to Eywow, they have viral stories as well and you get paid. There is no need to redirect them.
  2. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    You can also use other sites like pinterest, stumbleupon or reddit. Just try to create your own twist of this method.
  3. H Viral Content Popups CPM

    English, do you speak it?
  4. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    Yes, seems like you got it.
  5. H Viral Content Popups CPM

    What are you talking about?
  6. H Viral Content Popups CPM

    What exactly do you want to say?
  7. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    You need about 40k visitors per day, and no you cant send them fake traffic, tthey will just ban you.
  8. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    You can send me a PM if you have questions :) It also work if you own a website or fanpage yourself.
  9. H Viral Content Popups CPM Ad Network $12 /1.000 We are and we think that you dont need to annoy your visitors with ads to monetize your website. We offer you 2 ways to earn money with us: 1. Create a landing page, and send your traffic to it. 2. Include our ad code to your website, to monetize...
  10. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    Hey, you can use this method by yourself, if you get traffic you will earn, too. There is no need to flame others because they are taking action and earn money.
  11. H

    My Revenue - $405.68

    Hey, please stop the flaming in our thread. Best, Hendrik
  12. H

    I am from Eywow - ask me anything

    Hey, at the beginning our rates are so low, because it takes some time to calculate your CPM. Sent us traffic for at least 3 days, and you will get a CPM of $1 to $7 for US traffic. Best, Hendrik
  13. H

    $40 per day | Facebook viral method

    Hey, it works with all kinds of groups, but you need a min. amount of groups, so you get enough traffic. You can also start with 5, but your earnings will be lower. Best, Hendrik
  14. H

    I am from Eywow - ask me anything

    Hey, its not enough that this people just created profiles, we track if they use our site and send at least a few visitors or not. If you have any questions please PM me, or contact us via email. Best, Hendrik
  15. H

    My Revenue - $405.68

    I dont see there any payment proof, so please stop spamming this thread.
  16. H

    I am from Eywow - ask me anything

    Hey, real referrals are rewarded with 100+ points each to your balance. But of course we have a system to detect fake accounts.
  17. H

    My Revenue - $405.68

    Hey, what exactly is your point? The threads from propellerads, and other networks are only a click away. So I dont see how this is different from them. Of course we are always looking for nice partners :) You are from Germany, correct? Maybe you would like to PM me, and we can talk.
  18. H

    My Revenue - $405.68

    Eywow is "Viral Content Network".
  19. H

    My Revenue - $405.68

    Hey, I am working for and we help publishers to monetize their traffic with viral content. We offer a widget or pre-hosted landing pages, which will redirect the visitors back to your site, after we monetized them. The idea behind our site is, that you dont need to annoy visitors...