Extabit.com File Hosting

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I registered an acc with extabit...default earning plan was " You get up to $20 per 1000 non-unique downloads of your files. The exact amount depends on the amount of premium accounts sales. "
I changed the plan to 50% of premium sales . It gave the message plan change successful but at the bottom of the page i see something like this...

"Pay plan 50% of premium sales accepted, changes will be applied in 01:00"

How to be sure i am on which plan now?

Now you have old plan,
new payplan will be applied in 01:00 AM


Added after 3 Hours 57 minutes:

Guys! you can ask any help on relocating/premium accs on
skype: extabit.com
msn: support@extabit.com
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Each partner that apply to this promo will get 100% from the premium sales.

Hi guys! We have good job for you on weekends!
You have great opportunity make big money with us!

Each partner that apply to this promo will get 100% from the premium sales.
Site owners get even up to 105%!


19/08/2011 Payments to all accounts that have reached the minimum ($15/$50) have been made.

I am having been working with extabit for Past 1 year till now they paid me more than 6600$ ..=)

They paying every Friday .

Min payout 15$


- you can stop/cancel aactive torrent upload
- added file search at filemanager

26/08/2011 Payments to all accounts that have reached the minimum ($15/$50) have been made.

yoshi_yoyo - http://extabit.com/profile.jsp

Do you need alertpay as payment option for webmaster earnings?
HI do you pay weekly ? and what is download...


do you pay weekly ? and what is download table ??

i mean how much u pay for every 1000 downloads etc ...
yoshi_yoyo - you have already enter you payment details, but you should confirm(for security reasons) changes via email. Check confirmation email and your inbox/spam folder.
Or PM me you login at extabit.com - I will change it for you.

zeus1 - yes, we pay weekly. Every Friday.
We pay for ALL downloads of ANY files of ANY size from ALL countries. The tariff is calculated for each partner. It depends on the traffic quality; i.e. the number of Premium sales in relation to the number of downloads.

boyizsleep - about remote upload. PM me your login at extabit and links.
We implement new features:

- added Spanish translation
- enabled payments to Alertpay
Currently we make payments to Paypal, Webmoney and AlertPay

To set-up your account, for receiving AlertPay payments - visit http://extabit.com/partprofile.jsp

02/09/2011 Payments to all accounts that have reached the minimum ($15/$50) have been made.
File size limit for free user is 2Gb

Added after 6 Days 23 Hours:

We implement new features:

- added German translation
- you can enable "only premium download" for files, depending on file size at partner menu http://extabit.com/partprofile.jsp

09/09/2011 Payments to all accounts that have reached the minimum ($15/$50) have been made.
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