Extabit.com File Hosting

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Okay, Extabit, i know its hard but I just want you to know that there are people out there who know that you are the best, the BEST

I just want to know what happened with Payza, I have about 800 in payments from you guys to payza that are currently forzen because you guys are under investigation or something.

please PLEASE resolve this.

I switched to bank wire, which honestly, is what we all should have done in the first place. Direct payment is the only way to do this in a post paypal world. The only way to keep our industry safe is to break as many links in the chain as possible, just from you to me.

I understand why it needs to be so high, don't worry I'm not going to complain about the 500 minimum (Personally I think it should be around 300, but you guys are in charge, whatever you need to do to keep the business afloat is fine)

Any word on exactly when the paypal money will come in btw?

I really just want to know why Payza did this to you guys? Hotfile didn't have this kind of problem with them.
hi.. a few hours a go i sold a premium . i saw new balance.. but now money taken back.. i still see the sales whats happening why money taken back ?
hi.. a few hours a go i sold a premium . i saw new balance.. but now money taken back.. i still see the sales whats happening why money taken back ?

i think u can read a few page there is member who ask this..everyday at this time extabit will check the earning...wait for 2 hours ur earning should be back normal.
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