Extabit.com File Hosting

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hi, we are going to restrict free users download size to Max. 1GB . So, all forum posters plz note this.
This will only applies for new uploads since we restrict the size. Previously uploaded files have no changes in size limit.

So, plz keep in mind when you upload files. I will inform you the effective date here
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hi, we are going to restrict free users download size to Max. 1GB . So, all forum posters plz note this.
This will only applies for newly uploaded files since we restrict the size. Previously uploaded files have no changes in size limit.

So, plz keep in mind when you upload files. I will inform you the effective date here

this is bad news for me T_T
hi, we are going to restrict free users download size to Max. 1GB . So, all forum posters plz note this.
This will only applies for new uploads since we restrict the size. Previously uploaded files have no changes in size limit.

So, plz keep in mind when you upload files. I will inform you the effective date here

once come into force :facepalm: Extabit R.I.P.
bye Extabit!
@ divineee
@ Pipito

You guys don't want sales?

man..i do not believe with limit people then they will buy premium unless uplaoder have a very very rare content( which is they already can limit the size)

the point of 2000MB for free uploader are for big files..let say 20GB file with 2000MB limit we can split it to 10 links and if 1GB we have to split it to 20Links...

who want's to downlaod 2000MB files with 50kbps?? even in my country it's not gonna happend
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