Extabit.com File Hosting

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My God....
FTP. RU, Web upload all very slow.
Fix this.

We'll fix the upload speed as soon as we'll get the servers.There're already ordered.
Thank you for your patience.

Added after 4 minutes:

I cant add new links in RU, "Link Taken" confirmation is showing, bt doesnt appear in RU listing box:facepalm:

any1 can copy files?:(

Please,PM me the links,you want to add in RU,I'll check.
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escgame,You can upgrade my account to premium. Upload fpr too slow

We'll give you access to free premium account,after you make a few sales from your account.There are no any restrictions for uploading files.The upload is slow at the moment because we haven't received new servers yet.
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2 days ago i uploaded a file via ftp and a made a copy of that file, after that i moved a copy in a folder and another in other folder.
I posted the link of one of them on some forums.
Yesterday i made a sale.

Today when i looked on the links of those 2 files, there links was different from the link i posted on forums.

These can only be one thing, extabit changes the links of files ? because i can't nderstand.
The link posted by me 2 days ago doesn't exist among my 2 files i have in file manager.
Why is that ? is there any explenation for that ?
I mentioned this before to Extabit_Denis there is a bag in your system. Premium downloads are not counted by your system, so after 30 days files even they had been downloaded, your system deleted them. Mind that my plan is: 50% of premium sales and rebills, so i don't care if the downloads are counted, but because they don't all my files that are larger than 400mb are deleted every 30 days, & this is a big problem because i have to reupload all of them & replace all the links. Even files have been downloaded, but after download the remove date did not change, and this happens almost with all the files. I think this is a problem not only for me because i have to re-upload the same files every 30 days, but for you as well, not only that this put additional load on your servers, but we are loosing premium subscribers & money. Because usually after finding a dead link people don't get back to check it again to see if it start working, but just start looking for alternative downloads on other file hosts.

Extabit_Denis said that this will be fixed 2 - 3 days ago, but it is not, yesterday your system deleted about 100 of my files again, & i got a lot of files that are shown that will be deleted today & tomorrow & so on.

Please help. Thank you. Best regards.
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Hello, fix in progress.
Files restored.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

I mentioned this before to Extabit_Denis there is a bag in your system. Premium downloads are not counted by your system, so after 30 days files even they had been downloaded, your system deleted them. Mind that my plan is: 50% of premium sales and rebills, so i don't care if the downloads are counted, but because they don't all my files that are larger than 400mb are deleted every 30 days, & this is a big problem because i have to reupload all of them & replace all the links. Even files have been downloaded, but after download the remove date did not change, and this happens almost with all the files. I think this is a problem not only for me because i have to re-upload the same files every 30 days, but for you as well, not only that this put additional load on your servers, but we are loosing premium subscribers & money. Because usually after finding a dead link people don't get back to check it again to see if it start working, but just start looking for alternative downloads on other file hosts.

Extabit_Denis said that this will be fixed 2 - 3 days ago, but it is not, yesterday your system deleted about 100 of my files again, & i got a lot of files that are shown that will be deleted today & tomorrow & so on.

Please help. Thank you. Best regards.

I just got one more question, i can still see that remove date is shown should i just ignore this or it will be fixed too?

Because after my files been deleted i had to upload some files again & now i got different remove dates for same files. I promise i will remove the duplicates to save your disk space as long you tell me that the files you just restore will not be deleted again, on the remove date that is shown.
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