Extabit.com File Hosting

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I know some of my friends which are holding 1k+$ in their extabit account ATM. Even i am still working on extabit. But how can we work like this? We have to pay RDP bill, website hosting expenses and some other expenses too. Should we bear those expenses from our own pocket? if it is then how longer we have to bear?

We’re really do appreciate that our partners still with us and continue their work. We have also have to pay for hosting/salary etc. and we’re trying to make it from our own funds.
We do believe that we’ll get an official answer from PayPal about about the approximate dates of review ASAP.

Why don't you do some official face to face meeting with PayPal? Who will be responsible for that if in the end you said "Sorry, PayPal does not allow us to do business any more"?

We’ve already had several “face to face†meetings and a lot of calls/e-mails. And we will be the only responsible for the result of our negotiation.
We are trying to get an official answer from PayPal the approximate dates of review every day.

Will you still pay us in that case or you will disappear like FSO did? If you are planning to act like this then keep in mind that it is true that you will earn lot of bucks like this BUT there will be no business in future anymore.

We have no plans to “dissapear like FSO†and despite the PayPal decision (even if they will refuse to work with us in future) we’ll make all our payments as soon as we can get “frozen†money.

We, the uploaders are the main source of income for the all FILE HOSTS. If we stop uploading on your file host, you will be no longer to alive your website in a good manner. No doubt your business could be destroy.

Yes. You’re right and we understand the situation. Without uploading new files we’ll haven’t any new customers and close the service very soon. But now we can only ask you to wait before we’ll clarify the situation with PayPal.

yes, we will.

If PP permanently block your account or if this take to long (weeks? months?) will you still pay all the money to WM in a reasonable timely manner?
No, Jennifer repeated this many times.
Guys just relax ... sit back and let pass this month ...

I recommend to do some other work this month .. And come back after this all things resolved.. You (Uploaders) and Denis (Filehosters) cannot do anything ...
We have no plans to “dissapear like FSO” and despite the PayPal decision (even if they will refuse to work with us in future) we’ll make all our payments as soon as we can get “frozen” money.

Extabit_Denis this is a good answer (y) i think this is what all WM been waiting to hear.
All i can add that i am still with you & i think i am one of your main partners, i got almost 2k $ on my extabit account ATM. I did not moved my files from your host, i hope PP will unblock your account soon & we all can get our money. Good luck to everybody. :)
I'm gonna try to be as specific as I can be. In the world we live in, money making always includes risks. If their PP account will be permanently blocked, then they would have nothing to pay everyone. What would you pay to your employees if your company has no profit? Nothing. If they do get their money after 180 days that is for them to decide. That is for you to think and decide whether or not you will take that risk. Too risky for you? Then stop until this issue is solved. Don't talk to me like i'm their support.

I'm just trying to help them, saying the things they can't say. They can't pm you guys because it becomes too risky with all these people posting screenshots. Another thing, people ask why not just disable PP option? Here is what I think:

- PP would just love to block their account if that happened. PP would not be gaining anything from them anymore. They do not disable that option to keep their reputation from downloaders, majority of them love to use pp to buy prems.Another is to get reputation from affiliates. If PP option will be gone, sales would really fall down. Every affiliate would just end up leaving them.

I believe that EB will not scam because EB is an old company already. EB is not a host that was just created a week ago with some marketing promotion like 80% sales to get all Dumb F's to join them. EB knows this their time become top and have the potential to be. I believe they will not run away and scam all just for a few $$$. PP is just delaying their response to filehosts to extinguish the fire MU and the FBI created. If PP doesn't want filehosts anymore, they would not delay and would have given them a straight answer already. It's all about $$$. Anyway, hope I helped! :)
Denis, thank you for your detailed reply. I got your point and i hope everyone has been understood now.

(even if they will refuse to work with us in future) we’ll make all our payments as soon as we can get “frozen” money.

Who knows in how many days we'll get that "frozen" money.

Yes. You’re right and we understand the situation. Without uploading new files we’ll haven’t any new customers and close the service very soon. But now we can only ask you to wait before we’ll clarify the situation with PayPal.

Why don't you close your program for EVERYONE until the situation get fixed?

And more thing which i think all would like to know and that is "Why they have limited your account? What is the reason?"

I've something in my mind about this but I'll not disclose it yet until i got your reply on this.
Denis, thank you for your detailed reply. I got your point and i hope everyone has been understood now.

Who knows in how many days we'll get that "frozen" money.

Why don't you close your program for EVERYONE until the situation get fixed?

And more thing which i think all would like to know and that is "Why they have limited your account? What is the reason?"

I've something in my mind about this but I'll not disclose it yet until i got your reply on this.

Hi Denis,
How to reset remote upload fail?
Sometimes i RU from direct link but i don't know why some link always pending and i cannot remove it or reset it. Please help me a solution to resolve it.
Who knows in how many days we'll get that "frozen" money.
we are trying to get info about approximate dates of review.

Why don't you close your program for EVERYONE until the situation get fixed?
Because we’ll make all our payouts to partners. Everyone can stop uploading new content and wait.

And more thing which i think all would like to know and that is "Why they have limited your account? What is the reason?"

This is what I see at PP acc:

All requested information already provided during meetings and via email.

Some reports may not working. Working to back it online.

Hi Denis,
How to reset remote upload fail?
Sometimes i RU from direct link but i don't know why some link always pending and i cannot remove it or reset it. Please help me a solution to resolve it.

PM me your email, I will check.
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