Thanks for the payment on Evoload. Waiting for the transfer of the remaining balance from Jetload to Evoload. Do you have an ETA for that?@Tooners
If you can explain me this we will be happy to process your payment
0 Downloads - your account has download option ON
0 AdBlock which is just impossible with over 80k views
99% traffic from m247,ovh and others
Don't try to cheat on us, because that's simply impossible, if you have proofs or think i'm wrong send me a PM
We don't process JL payments right now until we have completed the upgrades kindly have patience
Sure thing, videos without views will stay on our system for 45 days without getting deleted
If the fees are very high +10$ we don't process the payment anyway until it's lower, you may expect some fees between 2 - 10$ depends on the network