Erimge Earn upto $9/1000 views WM , PP , Skrill , Payza No Tricks and no short links

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its already the 7th day .
waiting for my payment

Account Username :pinoyjade100

withdrawal approved though its not yet sent :)
Thank you and hoping for the payment
I got second big payout :). Thank you admin
Your welcome

Received payment! Thank you very much Admin!
Your welcome

Added after 1:

The stats are moving very slowly today, fix it.

I have checked 3times it is working fine

thank you

Added after 11 minutes:

Thanks admin for the sweet payment :D
More power and long live !!

Got my payment from both ErImage and GoImage ..
Yiheey !! :D :D

Account: pinoyjade100
Your welcome and thanks for your words
Last edited:

Thanks for the payment :) You are great ! More power and I hope you will take care of the payments on the coming future ..
Here is my screenshot:

I am still waiting for my payment on GoImage though thanks for this payment on ErImage .

Suggesttion : Many users are annoyed due to the delay of payments. What if you will just set a day that you would pay your users. Maybe weekly like every Monday or any day. This could atleast give the assurance of your users to stay on your Image Host :)

More power and hoping for your success !

pinoyjade (Stephen George)
I received your message with content: Hey please submit a support ticket to provide your traffic.
After 6 days since I requested payment. Account meogaual. And I have submit to you today (6 days), so when I get the money?
It's too late, I feel sad
Hey please submit the ticket and provide the source link

Thank you

Added after 2 minutes:

Hello, my payment is approved, but what day i will receive my payment ?.

pm me your user name

Added after 1:

I received your message with content: Hey please submit a support ticket to provide your traffic.
After 6 days since I requested payment. Account : meogaual . And I have submit to you today (6 days), so when I get the money?
It's too late, I feel sad

I still have one question continues.
Because my English is not good, when I get this question: Hey please submit a support ticket to provide your traffic.
I immediately selected part:
Choose interval ---> From ---> To ---> submit.
So of course I did the right thing you required?

* I'm troubled about money, and I do it right, I do not cheat, please help me solve the problem quickly.Thank you
we don't want your explanation please provide us traffic source that sit you will get paid on that day only

Thank you

Hi, can you pls check username: blueleaf . I got a pending for 8 days now. :D Both goimge & erimge Thanks..
payment paid

Thank you

Added after 1:

i waited 9 day and my pament had approved 2 day ago so when i can get my money :?:
what is your username

Thank you

Hello Admin Please Activate My Affilate..

Thank u

Thank you

has the 8th day .............
Username please

Thank you

Added after 1:

Your server is going up and down today ..
Hope you can fix it ..
our server is very fast no down time we check twice

Thank you

waiting for new account approval as well
username please

Thank you

Added after 7 minutes:

Hey can you answer me few question before answering i have paid your money

1. how many money i have eat of yours?
2. we are saying from starting we don't pay on weekends? if you don't understand english let me know i will translate it any other language
3. can you see my reputation on wjuction see my user name below that 4stars are that is my hard word ?
4. who give you the right to say we are SCAMMER ?
5. please request all your money and we pay you within the week and don't use our services this is your last week with erimge and goimge
please request all the money if it is below $5 i will request manually from my side, you are not going to allow any more to use our websites

we don't like users who get there payment on time and still called us SCAMMER so please request your money this is your last week with our network

Added after 2 minutes:

My payment were approved many days ago and still i don't receive the payment !!!.

as i see today is the 6th day and you are shouting like 15 days gone , we have mentioned we take upto 7 days atleast wait for 7 days
you will get paid today or tomorrow

Thank you

Added after 1:


Thanks for the payment :) You are great ! More power and I hope you will take care of the payments on the coming future ..
Here is my screenshot:

I am still waiting for my payment on GoImage though thanks for this payment on ErImage .

Suggesttion : Many users are annoyed due to the delay of payments. What if you will just set a day that you would pay your users. Maybe weekly like every Monday or any day. This could atleast give the assurance of your users to stay on your Image Host :)

More power and hoping for your success !

pinoyjade (Stephen George)
Your welcome and for goimge you will get today or tomorrow
Thanks for your feedback we will keep this in mind and do something

Thank you
Last edited:
sorry , I restricted language *
this is all that I know and follow :
user name website : meogaual
I posted pictures website
user name in website : beoplayh6

I send you all :

Added: 2015-09-19
ID: 55fd898538e99

Luvian - Model - Cute Girl - Set 2 - x21

if you help, then the next time it is difficult, I must do the following to send the tickets? , I still have $ 14

thank you
Thanks payment approved tomorrow or today you will get your payment
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