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  1. S - Adult Image Hosting - Earn Up To 8$ / 1000 Views PP,Payza,WM,Skrill

    Still not receive any payment yet for more than a week. Please check this admin. Username: sandaru
  2. S - Earn up to $5,5/1000 views - PayPal, WMZ

    I don't know why I getting rejected too.
  3. S - Earn up to 9 $ / 1000 + 5% refferal

    Payment received! Thank you Admin, so fast!
  4. S

    Erimge Earn upto $9/1000 views WM , PP , Skrill , Payza No Tricks and no short links

    Thank you for the big payment. Will worker harder and harder.
  5. S - Earn up to 9 $ / 1000 + 5% refferal

    Hello ImgTown, is there have any problem with the rate? Cause I got more than 300 views tier 1 but only 1.1$? Thank you.
  6. S - Earn up to 9 $ / 1000 + 5% refferal

    Second payment received! Thank you Admin ^^!
  7. S

    IMG-PAY.COM - Earn up to 9$/1000 Views - PayPal,Payonner, Skrill, WMZ

    Welcome! Accept me plz: sandaru Gonna try ur host.
  8. S

    Erimge Earn upto $9/1000 views WM , PP , Skrill , Payza No Tricks and no short links

    Payment received! Thank you and nice to work with you Admin!
  9. S

    Erimge Earn upto $9/1000 views WM , PP , Skrill , Payza No Tricks and no short links

    Admin you told me that yesterday for sure, but now still not receive anything :(