Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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NO tech probs ......

LOL :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

then why the hell files uploaded after 10 September are all delete ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
even files this morning uploaded !!!!!

this is No support whatever :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Please delete my account , i dont use it anymore

Lol that happens to me from day one mate, only minutes even before i posted d links...buuuut then when i checked on file manager those files are still alive, turns out that when we upload and got doubles or triples them doubles will be deleted automatically....
Thanks, for the lack of response to my PM, Easy...
Fortunately, my problem after a day of contact with support has been resolved.

A small note.

The new url format is not user-friendly, while others shorten their length, you're extending them to the limit...
An attempt to shorten the link, through posting it without the file name and extension (as it was until now), leads to an error page, so link must be posted in full:


I wouldn't call that improvement :facepalm:.
Remote upload to other host doesn't work anymore with these new links - tried FCS and Wupload.

Looks that we are not allowed to leave a sinking ship

Still waiting for an answer if the copies of my deleted files will ever become available again.

Started 2 weeks again with a downloadsite with only links to ES. Of course, I posted the copies. Not one single link works anymore. Guess how the statistics of my site look now and how many angry PM's I received ?

@ES : still waiting for the 500GB storage you promised me

@all : have a look at the most useless website in the universe where nothing works

OMG, copies from 15th onwards are unavailable now :facepalm:

deletion comes after only 1 day, well, just like some other filehost too I think, but now copies are all unavailable.... :facepalm:
Dear Easy-Share: I got no answer from the support and I got no answer from you.
Could you help me get my money back for 90 day account I bought day before yesterday?
Let me explain the situation once again. I created an account on easy-share by buying 90-day account. I didn't received any message confirming my purchase - so I have no password and I can't turn on "extended mode" because messages don't reach my e-mail box.
I guess, It was my mistake that I didn't create free account first, so I could provide my e-mail and password.
I need this account to move my files from different hosts. Can you help me solve this situation? I provided you my e-mail in PM.
Forget about one day, all my links were gone in a couple of hours now...
I guess thats it then for easy-share....links review and deletion should be done every week not every minutes or hours lol
salebre :)):)):))

This file will be available soon.very funny easy-share
hmmmmm,a strange definition for scam !
all filehosts have glitches and errors (FS-404 landing,MU-server not availible,RS-server down,FSC -some strange error...) and nobody are perfect.I have lost aprox 200 files with the last ES crash and that piss me off but I cant scream scam immediately then they have always payed out on time and rewarding with premiums.
So M8 just relax stop uping on ES,change to another filehost or do whatever U want...
agree with salebre,
not defending easy-share, but they still pay us although their service is somewhat unreliable for their users
meaning, not really safe to use only with this host
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