- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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seems like there is a streaming option for video files. how exactly does it benefit uploaders?

Streaming is the best way to earn money, the most valued downloads come through streaming. We made up 2 years only streaming and it was working very great.

I am sure all you guys don't like streaming and are still working on OCH files but i would like to see if you try both :).

You can upload a .AVI file, convert it to flash and stream it by the flash player and you are still able to use the download-link so you have 2 links available and maximise your chance to get more traffic.

Hello, Duckload

Please i also want a premium
User ID: 157756

The 20 users are already done. You are able to get free premium if you are active uploader on
oh, and also, another crucial mistake is that when talking about US dollars, the format is "$0.00", not "$0,00" :)

Google say me there is both possible. But anyway thanks for your offer but first i am going to ask the company to renew this for free if they won't i come back to your offer.
Well i guess they would both be possible, but commas are generally not used xD

And i'm not really offering, I don't want any money or anything, i'm just saying if you need a hand with something i can help out :)
if that is possible add option embed code for videos.... like megavideo or something....

We really like to do this.

We need to fix up the videoplayer with advertising for premium-access etc... After we did this we are able to allow embed.

In start of the January we are using embed i think. Please give us a bit time for it. We can't provide HD-Support and embed. We need to cut your earnings at 10%, so we chose to provide you good earnings and wait with HD and embed.


Please let's stop talking about english language :)
it will come with my site update, thats sound good if you start provide embed code from new year ;)

Until we have enough resellers and enough payment methods + advertising stuff for premium, we are going to release the embed player as soon as possible.

But for now it's not possible, our premium-advertising isn't that good and we need to increase it like ( they are doing a great job with it ).
Are you still giving free premiums for wjunction refs? If so, please User ID: 157795 :)

Also how long do you keep files?
i have added a file in remote upload one and half hour ago still not show in my data can u tell me where i can find my files

Edit i find it but in one and half hour its only done 1%
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