- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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Before throwing dust to duckload and state that its not worth the try please make a research!

You said that Fileserve is popular,i agree.but check the 500 pages they have,and you will see who has bugs/problems in payments.At least duckload did a great job providing payments through MB from a personal account.FS said they do not want to work with us.
As for paypal duckload show proof of locked account and on top of that they send each week thousands of dollars.
Who are you that you will say to duckload to close their site?if you do not want to use it don't use it.They are plenty out there,go with them..
Oh btw i do not remember FS offering 5000$ in 15 days for free with what you were doing normally..Some crappy 5% bonus maybe..

So stay with FS or HF which i get 500kb dl speed with premium.

Please tell me where have i mentioned that duckload should close themselves? Have i once said that duckload is a scam site? or they will never be pay? I myself have been payed by duckload and i know they are legit.

Read my post again, i said:

1. A good host always has a backup plan for everything that goes wrong e.g fileserve and hotfile

2. Duckload has mentioned MB and AP in their payment scheme but DONOT pay through them through the website. You dont get payments from AP at all, and you only get payments from MB if you send Duckload a PM. Please tell me, how many people who are using duckload are present on WJ? Why do they mention those Payment processors when they dont payout through them?

3. The website has huge translations problems, they payout 5000$ in a competition but cannot hire someone to translate it for them?

Please dont come here and say that translation doesn't matter as long as they pay, BECAUSE IT DOES. Fileserve and Hotfile are much bigger hosts than duckload, check any forum on the internet my friend.

If and that is a big IF, DL gets as popular as FS and HF, do you really think they'll give out free premium accounts and thousands of dollars on races? i dont think so.

I never said i didn't want to use the site, neither did i say something which wasn't true. I am only saying things that will improve the credibility of the host. These little things matter a lot if a host wants to be taken seriously.
You love FS and HF?
Nice, keep them for yourself:)
In a thread to suport to duckload you come talk in FS and HF.?! OMG moreover ... its subject and should not be discussed.
Have a great day :)
Oh god the ignorance. :S

Cant i compare Duckload to another host? Why isn't that allowed? in the market you always look up to the current leader and try to be better than that.

I am merely suggesting some things for Duckload to become a good host. This thread is not a ' All Hail Duckload thread' Its a topic where we discuss duckload, the pros and the cons.
Do you remember WHO translated FS?that would be..em...users??who gained what....premiums??oh right..

You ok getting paid from FS through AP and Paypal right??at least DL tries to get the others working..

Third:Free premiums,thousand of dollars..What i see is that they have money to do it.HF give 1 month free premium?FS 5% bonus??

Fourth:When FS had problems (still has) with earnings most users where crying where is my money etc etc..But you can live with that right?

So i believe alla can live with the probs of DL until they fix it..
You still dont understand what i'm trying to say right?

If a company relies on the users to translate the website then i say thats a big fail, its a company for heavens sake.

Fileserve was in english language the day it was created, your logic doesn't make sense here.

Think why they are giving free premiums away? Why will any host do that? To gain market, to get customers, to make new customers. Fileserve and hotfile dont do that cause they are too big. Imagine Fileserve giving free accounts, every person would want one, they'd go bankrupt in days. Duckload can afford this cause they dont have a significant market share atm.

My point about the payment processors is simple, why display them when you dont through them? Mention in the news section that Alertpay is coming, when the company has sorted out everything with AP, only then introduce it, this way you wont have problems.

I am not complaining about the server problems of Duckload, neither do i want to discuss the server problems of fileserve. But to answer your question, yes fileserve has problems, but it also has devised a set and professional system of payout. If some users cannot comprehend the FAQ and a few guidelines, is it the company's fault?

Fileserve has covered all the basics and thats why they were adopted so quickly, the current problems are very much expected as the host grows, MU has huge problems as well, does that mean the host sucks?
You still dont understand what i'm trying to say right?

If a company relies on the users to translate the website then i say thats a big fail, its a company for heavens sake.

Fileserve was in english language the day it was created, your logic doesn't make sense here.

Think why they are giving free premiums away? Why will any host do that? To gain market, to get customers, to make new customers. Fileserve and hotfile dont do that cause they are too big. Imagine Fileserve giving free accounts, every person would want one, they'd go bankrupt in days. Duckload can afford this cause they dont have a significant market share atm.

My point about the payment processors is simple, why display them when you dont through them? Mention in the news section that Alertpay is coming, when the company has sorted out everything with AP, only then introduce it, this way you wont have problems.
I am not complaining about the server problems of Duckload, neither do i want to discuss the server problems of fileserve. But to answer your question, yes fileserve has problems, but it also has devised a set and professional system of payout. If some users cannot comprehend the FAQ and a few guidelines, is it the company's fault?

Fileserve has covered all the basics and thats why they were adopted so quickly, the current problems are very much expected as the host grows, MU has huge problems as well, does that mean the host sucks?

keep your optinion for yourself. Or maybe you can create something better?
lol, by seeing comments like above its kinda pointless to post anything. Maybe no one here has heard of positive critique. Something should be criticized if the criticism is due, but Alas! no ones gets that here
You did not do a positive critique, man. What you said is that the duckload can not have problems ... you call that a positive criticism? The duckload are having problems and trying to fix, you need not say such a thing.
You said that FS and HF has no problems, okay they have no problems ... but duckload have, and are trying to fix ... where is the problem?
look in the future, not just think about the present.
Great day
Registered as: Wnoi (User ID: 187760)

Registered as: Wnoi (User ID: 187760)
I have not received money from paypal.
Please check.
Hi Duckload, I have the same problem of Kamer and Naviodasamadoras, the payment in my account is gone, but don´t appear in my paypal account. Can you check this situation please? I don´t know if appear some hours later in paypal.

My ID 197336. Thanks.

Hi Duckload, I´m still waiting for my payment in paypal. I read that you had troubles with paypal, but then you said that the money will be in the morning.
Can you check this please. My ID 197336

Someone else have the same problem with the payment in paypal?
I think discussion about other file hosts is useless here , for sure there are some problems with Duckload , but they are working hard to fix them , you can feel their enthusiasm to manage, so we just have to continue to support them and YES AND A BIG YES they will manage to grow like the other hosts , even bigger
Thanks Duckload. My first payment.
Everything is OK now.

Ok good. Next payment will be done when i wakeup.

You guys see your money is gone from the account, this means: The payment will be done shortly.
help me i was trying to open my account to upload something
& i have 29$ in my account
$this morning when i try to login i get this massage

what's wrong ??? i didn't do anything
My ID : Herolove767
waiting your answer
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