Dont Use FileFactory [Proof]

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I can confirm that File Factory is indeed 100% garbage.

Before they switched over to their new reward system (early september) i had 700+ files uploaded all of which had mirrors for other file hosters which was allowed.
After the switch i uploaded a total of 14 files with mirrors then stopped because i found out about the new rule and literally out of nowhere (they didn't even email me) i was banned. My account was still valid though and all of my links were still live so they were getting roughly 1000 downloads per-day from me without paying me anything.
I had to make the tough decision to delete my account and all 700+ files.
New tactic to avoid paying you

got this email today -


This is a courtesy email to advise you that we have declined your payment request in our FileFactory Rewards program due to the following reason:

- your files do not meet our terms of service

Specifically this means that we were notified that your account contains copyright protected files which are not eligible to receive FileFactory Rewards. As such we are unable to pay Rewards on accounts which contain illegal content.

Please do not reply to this email, as replies are not monitored.''

I say skrew 'em. Nobody upload to 'em so no one buys a premium account.
They aren't a scam site. but make sure that you dont add mirror links to your uploads and only upload to filefactory. I got paid a week ago by them, haven't asked payment since then
thats right, they remove rule no 5 (mirroring files)... but also they lower her rates and put important countrys (like germany) to group b (before germany was in the best group with the best rates)
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