Do you like google chrome?

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I basically live in a browser and I've tried everything.
Here are my top reasons for loving Chrome.
1) Speed speed speed, everything else starts feeling really slow. (not just in loading the sites, but also in browser startup time)
2) Separate process for each site - this means that when one website becomes really slow or crashes, it doesn't affect the rest of my tabs/windows. We've all had the experience of losing a perfect setup b/c a particular site with a flash plugin decided to crash.
3) Details - I think there are a lot of things the chrome team got right. My favorite is that all links open new tabs instead of new windows. In all the other browsers I've used, that's not the default behavior. Another detail i really like is the omnibox - one textbox for search and address box and it works really well. It almost feels antiquated when I use a browser with a address box and a search box.
4) Minimalist - I've come appreciate the minimal chrome which puts the web at the center.
I was a diehard Firefox fan for years. I recently made the switch to Chrome after Mozilla failed to address the memory hog that its browser had become. It was a hard decision to make but after several recommendations and pushes from people I trust, I made the switch and have not looked back. Making the switch to Chrome was the best possible thing I could have done to improve my experience surfing the web. Chrome has a multitude of extensions and apps to make using it even easier along with features that truly make it seamless. Firefox and Internet Explorer are trying hard to catch up with Chrome, but it seems there is no stopping Chrome from bagging the number 1 position in the browser market.
If you have not tried out Chrome or are hesitant to make a major change, you can always download Chrome and see how it feels. If you do not like it, switch back to your old browser, but chances are you might find a browser for life in what Google has breathed into Chrome.
I was a Firefox user for years but I've switched to Chrome about 4 years ago. Right now it's simply the best browser in almost everything. Firefox seems to be stuck in time
Chrome is the best browser so far. It has fastest performance over all. Easy to get used with. Friendly interface and lots of great addon
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