Do you like google chrome?

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I only ever used IE when I first started using a pc, then I quickly made the change to chrome, I also on occasions use firefox but find that it lags & hangs a bit plus uses more memory than chrome.

To each their own. I guess what works best for some don't for others, but for me I'll stick to mainly using chrome.

So yes I like chrome.
Hell no it runs slow as dirt you have 15 tabs open you will have 16 processes open in the task manager :facepalm: should have 3 max 1 for the program 2 for the tabs. Older computers with 2gb ram or less can not run it smoothly
I can have 20 tabs open sometimes more at any time & have no probs at all it runs smooth for me, however I can't say the same if I use FF in the same way.

People with 2gb ram or less just have to adjust to what their pc can handle or add more ram.
Google Chrome is the best internet browser I have ever used in my life. Usually I tried Mozilla Firefox, and it seems that it's not really fast and sometimes hangs my computer. But with Google Chrome, no matter how many tabs I open, it runs smoothly. I truly recommend this.
Of course! As a seasoned Chrome user, I can tell you that it tops Internet Explorer and it's just about on par, but barely takes the win over Firefox. It's really worth the switch for somebody who likes using Google products since everything is innovated into one another.
love it. but you are mistaken. I doesnt consume less bandwidth. Infact it consumes more bandwidth compared to firefox. But who cares. I still love it.
Things I like in Chrome:
-faster than Firefox, specially the latest builds
-better web2.0 support (html5, webm, webkit, etc.)

Things I don't like in Chrome:
-sends all of your browsing and personal data to google
-in general its a botnet
-when you mark text, you sometimes end up marking the entirepage
-some addons which i like in firefox are not present there or work poorly
I am Using The Chrome

Hi, I am also using the chrome as it is light and loads faster than other browsers like firefox and safari.
Google chrome is a great browser for general internet use, firefox imo is best for development due to the tools available.
I don't know but Google Chrome crashes on my PC after some time of using. I love Google Chrome but after some period it is much slower than Firefox so I was foreced to move. Reinstalling helps but it's problematic.
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