Do you know what the FXP Scene is?

Do you know what the FXP Scene is?

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lol yeah is how racers move the scene releases from one top site to another!
via the FXP protocol!

FXP protocol just is FTP->FTP transferring.

FXP Scene are forums, with irc channels, where people leech from Topsites->Hacked FTPS (Stro's) and then race on the forums.
No! FXP is how for example the FQM racer moves a FQM release to another scene ftp top site and then it gets leaker trough sceners to P2P etc etc
FXP protocol just is FTP->FTP transferring.

FXP Scene are forums, with irc channels, where people leech from Topsites->Hacked FTPS (Stro's) and then race on the forums. Different FXP groups have their own forums, altough they're connected, as people race "against" eachother.
As I said, they all have forums connected with irc channels, don't post stuff if you don't know.. How do you think they communicate? Msn? :S
IRC obviously but the FXP scene is not forums!
FXP = how racers mover release from 1 topsite to another!

As I said, the FXP PROTOCOL is just FTP->FTP transferring. That's just the meaning of FXP.
FXP scene is a bunch of boards and irc channels, with "groups" racing against eachother, and they leech from (top) sites.
lol then you are right! last time you didnt wrote that!
Scene groups have racers who are the ones that compete as the coon said!
No not really, from what I read in this thread it sounds like some gay thing where people get warez from topsites and race to be the first person to spread it all over the internet or some bullshit like that.

These people need to get laid. :|
I can tell The Coon and Robin are fully aware of what the FXP scene is. Good thing we have some guys here that really know about warez! :D

Both are welcome in the FXP team I am in if and when we get active xD

Also, sorry z2ight that you weren't able to see an active FXP board :(

Loget, that's only one part of the FXP Scene - The racing.. ;) Racers are hard to come by because yeah, they need to get laid xD
WSyndicate, I did write that before ;)
A release group uploads a release to their private (top)site.
Then, they announce it, and people start racing on the (top)sites (who only have irc by the way), then a FXP group has a few racers, who are on topsites as well. They try to race from the topsite to one of their hacked FTPs, and then post it at their boards.. ;)
The FXP groups are totally unrelated to releasegroups

And @CM no thanks, FXP died many years ago :/
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