Do i need to change my site name ?

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hello friends , i watched an article about site name and keyword should be same or near to rank on google . my site name is on my profile and signature too . my site is about making money online . Do you prefer me work to rank on google while someone search make money online or making money online and will shown up , or do you prefer me to buy another domain name and change it . i really confused and sad . i wish i know this effect page ranking on google , but i learnt later .

i use wordpress , i write my own articles , i use all in one seo pro plugin , i use keywords on articles .

What you prefer for me to rank on google ? Thank you for all
BilalFx really isn't an ideal domain for the a online money making blog. When people see the domain of your website they won't know that it's a money making website. A good domain is a domain that has good keywords. With that being said, you don't have a lot of indexed items in Google search results, you don't have any PR, you don't have any backlinks with BilalFx so I would go ahead and switch to a new domain that is more related to "online money making."
You can Improve your SEO with same domain it doesn't make much difference
though Domain with nice keywords is a plus point for you.
if me buy another domains with a good domain name and if me write articles to collect people on my first domain , do you think it can work ?
i need your opinions about getting traffic to wordpress based website about making money online .if you share your tricks , me and other users will be very happy
To say that a relevant name for a site to get better results is trivial in my own personal opinion. Look at sites like Spoono, Engadget, Gizmodo,, eBay, etc. Their name is unique, irrelevant, and unmistakable. They are some of the biggest sites in their respective topics, yet their names do not include a traditional description of the site.

As I've been saying all my days, content is king. Always has been, and always will be.
That's completely true Buddah but those names can't be mixed up with another niche. BilalFX makes the site sound like a portfolio/design service. The examples you gave are very creative and catchy names, you can use them for almost anything.
The point remains true, though. The domain name is irrelevant if the content is there. Besides, in this particular scenario, I don't believe most common Internet users know what the FX abbreviation means.
Great points by Buddah. I can't really expand on them without repeating something which hasn't already being said.

Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 14
You should be more active you make great points and talk sense unlike a lot around here.
Great points by Buddah. I can't really expand on them without repeating something which hasn't already being said.

Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 14
You should be more active you make great points and talk sense unlike a lot around here.

Stop it. You're making me blush.
It depends entirely on their weight with search engines. If the blog is unknown or new, uses stolen content, or is a link farm, then the back link doesn't matter anyway. Do a background check on each domain you choose to receive a back link from.
what i learnt is adding articles to ezinearticles , hubpages , squidoo is great way to have rank on google when write good article and keyword about what you want to be ranked about . i wished to write article to ezinearticles but it still wait on pending , and premium membership really so expensive .

i really losing my hopes about getting rank when someone write make money online or forex on google and my site will appear in first pages of search results . i wanna learn this deeper and i am trying to get help from people here . thank you for your helps , i also heard that mr happy is good on seo , i hope he can help me and other people about ranking too , thanks again for your wonderful friendly supports
All of this aside, i also think you should work a little bit more on your grammar. Your english is really great for what i'm assuming is your 2nd language, but i think that for the sake of your blog, you should take a little bit more time proofreading your blog posts, and trying to perfect the grammar. That way you will not only improve your english ability, but attract more 2nd time visitors to your blog.
you absolutely right , and i have plan to improve my english with a program name Rosetta Stone and chat with others . English is really a big problem for foreigners .
Maybe people not visit my webpage because of my bad english :)
i really losing my hopes about getting rank when someone write make money online or forex on google and my site will appear in first pages of search results . i wanna learn this deeper and i am trying to get help from people here . thank you for your helps , i also heard that mr happy is good on seo , i hope he can help me and other people about ranking too , thanks again for your wonderful friendly supports
first of all - "make money" is really competetive niche, so it'll be extremely hard to rank well for short searches, like "make money" "earn from home".

My advise would be to start with so-called "long tail keyword" - instead of trying to rank for those short ones, that get the most searches you should discover some really long ones that get a few searches - with new page there's no point in trying to rang for phrase with 20000 monthly searches, since you'll land at about 50th page of results as most. instead try to rank for example for "how can i earn money from home" or "earning good money on the internet" - sure, such long phrases get only like 100 searches a month, but it's much easier to rank in top10 for them, and if you get like 15 of such phrases ranked you will get decent traffic. Once your site is estabilished with long keywords you can move to shorter ones like "how can i earn money", then "earn money online" then "earn money"...
this is wonderful explanation , thank you so much . i really want to know something :

How can i find which keyword sort me in which order on google ? In an example :

if someone search " how to make money online" on google , and my webpage appear after 450. search result . Is there anyway to know this ? i tried tto use google's keyword tool , but i did not understand . i search my site name and it shows me a lot of keyword .

sorry to ask more , but i hope these answers also will be helpful for other webmasters too .
this is wonderful explanation , thank you so much . i really want to know something :

How can i find which keyword sort me in which order on google ? In an example :

if someone search " how to make money online" on google , and my webpage appear after 450. search result . Is there anyway to know this ? i tried tto use google's keyword tool , but i did not understand . i search my site name and it shows me a lot of keyword .

sorry to ask more , but i hope these answers also will be helpful for other webmasters too .
there are special tools, called "SERP scrapers" for that. You feed them the list of keywords you want to check ranking for and they check google results, trying to find your site in them.
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