Dizzcloud.com - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

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dizzcloud isent sponable for extabit actions as i said dennis is leaveing extabit soon but this be the last time ill be saying it you have the choice to go use someone else this is dizzcloud support thread not extabit forward all complaints to extabit him self
first of all affiliates can never know whats going on behind the scenes
just by making a new site with some fancy theme does not change the fact that this new site is related to extabit
also if anything happens to their payment gateway affiliates are sure to lose their money since extabit have conned their affiliates not only once but twice
Hi, as i told in the first post, we worked for different filehosts. Extabit also one of that. After frozen, we decided to establish our own project. We started developing this project in December. Dizz has no connection at all to other site owners.

Please don't spam this thread. We created this thread to offer support to our valuable partners.
Hi, as i told in the first post, we worked for different filehosts. Extabit also one of that. After frozen, we decided to establish our own project. We started developing this project in December. Dizz has no connection at all to other site owners.

Please don't spam this thread. We created this thread to offer support to our valuable partners.

After frozen , you don't need decided anything unless you knew that your boss decided to stolen valuable partners' money forever.

There is no hope on Extabit then you decided something... Extabit and Dizzcloud , nothing different. just copy whole code from Extabit change new skin. If you are not Extabit owner, but you know Extabit owner very well. you should give some information about that, the more the better...photo name country address phone etc...
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After frozen , you don't need decided anything unless you knew that your boss decided to stolen valuable partners' money forever.

There is no hope on Extabit then you decided something... Extabit and Dizzcloud , nothing different. just copy whole code from Extabit change new skin. If you are not Extabit owner, but you know Extabit owner very well. you should give some information about that, the more the better...photo name country address phone etc...

Not only code, all storage servers same IP. Not any company accepts compettitors using their servers and code.

You can ping uXX.extabit.com and uXX.cloudstoreservice.net to check.
change XX = 1...100
Ex: u5 and u32
cloudstoreservice.net is alias domain of dizzcloud.com
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Hi, getting lot of requests through PM and emails without screenshots. Please add your past exp. with full details. Then i can enable easily.

Please read WJ Promo conditions before requesting this PROMO.

NOTE: I try to reply all PM & mails. But if you not received any reply within a day, please resend. Bcz of lot of mails & PM's, may have chance to miss some.

Thanks for your big response.
After frozen , you don't need decided anything unless you knew that your boss decided to stolen valuable partners' money forever.

There is no hope on Extabit then you decided something... Extabit and Dizzcloud , nothing different. just copy whole code from Extabit change new skin. If you are not Extabit owner, but you know Extabit owner very well. you should give some information about that, the more the better...photo name country address phone etc...

Not only code, all storage servers same IP. Not any company accepts compettitors using their servers and code.

You can ping uXX.extabit.com and uXX.cloudstoreservice.net to check.
change XX = 1...100
Ex: u5 and u32
cloudstoreservice.net is alias domain of dizzcloud.com

It mean, the owner extabit can access server Dizzcloud and contrary? lol
Extabit cheated all, so moderators please close this thread like you previously done on extabit thread.

Dear affilaites, work on this site then after sometime they will mail all affilaites that their fund is frozen (like they told in extabit) so wait for some days, then they vanish with all money in their pocket. so frozen is just a drama.

so guys decision is yours, already known proofs are added, if you still want to work on same extabit script with new skin, then no problem then again they change skin and kill your time and effort.
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Extabit cheated all, so moderators please close this thread like you previously done on extabit thread.

Dear affilaites, work on this site then after sometime they will mail all affilaites that their fund is frozen (like they told in extabit) so wait for some days, then they vanish with all money in their pocket. so frozen is just a drama.

so guys decision is yours, already known proofs are added, if you still want to work on same extabit script with new skin, then no problem then again they change skin and kill your time and effort.

Hi DizzCloud (aka Extabit).
Pay the amount you owe, affiliates will com back, don't need open new host.
If not, you are not welcome here.

You can ping uXX.extabit.com and uXX.cloudstoreservice.net to check.
change XX = 1...100
Ex: u5 and u32
cloudstoreservice.net is alias domain of dizzcloud.com

Let me check random:
ping u1.extabit.com
ping u1.cloudstoreservice.net
2 server same IP --->

ping u2.extabit.com
ping u2.cloudstoreservice.net
2 server same IP --->

ping u13.extabit.com
ping u13.cloudstoreservice.net
2 server same IP --->

Hi Mod
Clearly proof Dizzcloud and Extabit are same. They come back to cheat WJ member again! Please close thread!
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'm starting to use dizzcloud and I hope it is as good as Extabit (with whom I am well)

however I can not understand this fury to dizzcloud ..... I think you're bandaging the head before breaking (mr.apammer)

personally I always give confidence to the new host, if all goes well I continue otherwise I change, I think everyone should do that!
so, those who is new in uploading & have no previous uploading experience, can't use your host? :|

sorry to say this. we are not against to new uploaders. Everyone starts with "0" only.
But as we know new uploaders fill lot of storage without sales and also blame host. It may cause server overload and out of space. So, exp. and dedicated uploaders gets in trouble. We don't want this. Please understand us.

Btw, we are here to provide service for long time. We can guarantee 100% transparent results. Anyone can test at anytime from anywhere.
That's why we are much confident about our service. Of course everyone say like this. but we show it practically. Time will tell you .... :)
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