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  1. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Dear Partners, Site Online now. Protection for future problems - in progress. We assure problems free service in future. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.
  2. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    All this week payouts done on yesterday like always we do
  3. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    All this week payouts done on yesterday like always we do @ Omar Suarez Every sale should be counted. Send me your transaction number. @ Dean Corso you can test purchase from any where and any time. @ xaineez check your PMto know the reason @ D4rk we store inactive files for 60days...
  4. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @ MSL6600 It's not good to answer here. Check PM. But we are the people behind in extabit success till 2012.
  5. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @lonly Plz check PM @xaineez Plz PM unavailable links. We will check and let you know the cause. Note: Dear Excopy using partners, this option no longer works.They closed our backdoor :)
  6. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @xaineez due to inactive files removal size getting reduce. Plz PM me some temp. unavailable file links. @Kitaro8 as we are using extabit script, have some chances to miss small things like these :)
  7. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Upload works fine now. Plz recheck
  8. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @FUTURiTY We have only PPS @mmm Not received any PM from you @lonly We provide option to uncheck recurring payment while they upgrade. If they upgrade manually again,we count as new sale. we show only auto-recurrings in rebills
  9. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @civuxa server got replaced with new one. files moving to new server. @kitaro8 Hi, this is Dizzcloud thread not Extabit. I told several times that we have no relation with extabit now. This is our own project.
  10. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Everything should be solved now
  11. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @ D4rk Sorry. these days i am unable to access WJ. From now, will be active here
  12. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    This week payouts done. Payout Updates: 1. If you can bring good number of sales, we are ready to pay as per your convenient method. 2. We can reduce 6 days payout hold for selective partners (need to maintain avrg 3 sales/day ) who wants to receive payout more quickly..
  13. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Hi, WJ PPD promo over. Normal PPD plan no longer available. All partners moved to PPS. We no longer continue PPD Plan as partners earning hundreds of $ without single sale. Thank you.
  14. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Main balance gone invisible bcz of some bug. we fixing it. We just changing PPD table. No changes to PPS
  15. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    Hi, we are modifying some plan settings. Plz give us some time. will be fix in couple of hours. Update: Our Promo PPD rates going to end. PPD rates changes from 1/11/2013. Will update modified PPD table tomorrow.
  16. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    We resolved DDos issue already. We taking preventive measures to never repeat this situation.
  17. D - Fast, Secure Cloud Storage from Anywhere

    @$$$ Please check this: