:rofl:Please, if DF or any filehost removed all copyright and/or porn, they'd be left with very few files.
This is just something they all put in their policy to cover themselves somewhat.
Google translate:
Author: depositfiles.com - support Date:
Dear user,
Unfortunately, your content has been removed by the copyright owner application, in accordance with the established procedure (eg, takedown notice).
To remove the suspicion of copyright infringement, you should write a refutation of copyright infringement (the so-called takedown counter-notice) according to the following procedure:
1. You create and provide to us regarding the refutation of each of the contested URL links.
2. We pass your refutation of the right holder (be careful refutation will be transferred completely, with all personal data. The lie or a mistake can lead to legal action!).
3. If, within 1-2 weeks of the rights holder does not indicate reasons to consider
Disclaimer invalid - suspected of copyright infringement are removed.
Disclaimer necessarily include the following:
1. Your name and contact information (address, phone number). If possible, e-mail;
2. Description of content removal, indicating the URL;
3. A detailed description of your rights to content. Usually it is one of the following options:
a. You are the author or co-author;
b. The copyright holder (or other authorized person) gave you the necessary rights to the content;
c. Content is not protected by copyright;
d. You use the object of copyright under the rules of the free use of the work.
4. The phrase (literally) "Recognizing the responsibility of perjury I declare that the above material was removed by mistake or misidentification";
5. Your acceptance of the following jurisdictions:
a. If you are a resident of the United States - with the jurisdiction of the court at the address of your residence
b. If you are not a resident of the United States - with the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida (the United States or a court of another district in which you can protect your rights).
6. Your consent to take judicial correspondence from the rights holder.
7. Your real name (as an individual) as digital signature.
Taking into account the above to remove all suspicion from yourself please make a thorough refutation of copyright infringement regarding the following content:
My account is banned