Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

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I know - I've got the same sh** - so goodbye DF...

yah man
bye Deopshit
i will not use them again 8-)

---------- Post added at 11:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

@nmrs - do You can download Your files? What is funny - even I have blocked account most of my files are still ready to download.

all my files are available
i contact to support to delete all my files X-(
nmrs :
did you have a lot of blocked files and how much youh had in your account before you get banned ?
yes alot of my files blocked every day for DMCA
but i work with them about 2 month
and i make about 700$:P
and i lose 100 $ :'(
and lose about 500 gb of files :'(

You cannot receive payouts during a month after your payment info was changed.

To change your payoff info, please, send a request to the Support center with:
Your Login
Your new payoff info
approximate date of registration of your account
The information will be updated within one working day.

I did that but said nothing has changed

help me
yeh Jav is probably safe to upload

I upload american porn and many of my files has been deleted but no bann yet.

Amateur Stuff Also, I have no complaints with DF and waiting for the next payment.

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

USA is now dangerous for filehoster

They are tracking where are you going to, when you are on the net, if you download a lot of copyright content, they send you a letter to let you know that is not right and they can ask you to go court, Thats is from NY State, I do not know the others states. I delay the USA market a few months ago, targeting the German market using the big guys ove there and but now, I really do not know what to do.
Maybe have a nap then see, what is happening in the online fileshaing worl.
yah man
bye Deopshit
i will not use them again 8-)

Excellent news!
One spammer less in this thread. There is hope that this thread can be reduced to important information about DF without bullshit, gossip and greed B-)

yes alot of my files blocked every day for DMCA
but i work with them about 2 month
and i make about 700$:P

Take the money and spend it for some English lessons. That's the best advice that you ever got.
Excellent news!
One spammer less in this thread. There is hope that this thread can be reduced to important information about DF without bullshit, gossip and greed B-)

Take the money and spend it for some English lessons. That's the best advice that you ever got.

i will take the money and spend it for watch you r mother a$$
i use another host and it's better than DF :P
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yes alot of my files blocked every day for DMCA
but i work with them about 2 month
and i make about 700$:P
and i lose 100 $ :'(
and lose about 500 gb of files :'(

thanks for information nmrs , open another account if you get a good revenue from DF :)

You cannot receive payouts during a month after your payment info was changed.

To change your payoff info, please, send a request to the Support center with:
Your Login
Your new payoff info
approximate date of registration of your account
The information will be updated within one working day.

I did that but said nothing has changed

help me

email of payment changed within 1 business day ..1 think
you can verify from here
Asked to pay this topic and found a message

Afin d'être en mesure de retirer l'argent gagné, consultez s'il vous plaît notre Accord d'utilisateur pour les Participants du Programme de primes d'Halileo

I did not understand anything
Fortunately I speak French amongst other languages.

Depositfiles have changed their TOS and now say this on payouts;

Afin d'être en mesure de retirer l'argent gagné, consultez s'il vous plaît notre Accord d'utilisateur pour les Participants du Programme de primes d'Halileo

To be able to withdraw the money earned, please see our User Agreement for Program Participants

They have got your money and are no longer interested in paying out!!!

Keep up to date on all Filehosts by reading this thread, if you have any updates and further info, let everyone know by posting in there;
kakachix, I dont understand your message

What do I do because me You will be paid automatically Or should I edit something

I am nothing to do with any File Host I just report on them, you dont need to pay me anything for my help, but if you want you, you are welcome to donate something to help me pay the bills on my site, but that is only if you want to. I dont demand that.

I am glad to help everyone, no matter who they are or on what site they post on. :sun:
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