Via PayPal my payment took 48hs. the first time and 30hs. in the second payout.
You get banned if your PayPal or DepositFiles account (i don't remember which one) is from US (that's what I hear at least).
It doesn't matter, i got banned 5 days after registering with Asian PP and Asian DP account, i am still very surprise to read that some WJ members have been paid as i know some and i know too that they are uploading hollywoods movies, i guess DP is working a bit like a lottery it is a matter of luck if you got paid.
But from my personnal experience they are good scammer, let me explain
I lost only 5 days with them whereas nasty Scammers delay payment again and again so you keep hope you'll get your money and sometimes keep uploading files and lose your precious time.