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Via PayPal my payment took 48hs. the first time and 30hs. in the second payout.

You get banned if your PayPal or DepositFiles account (i don't remember which one) is from US (that's what I hear at least).

It doesn't matter, i got banned 5 days after registering with Asian PP and Asian DP account, i am still very surprise to read that some WJ members have been paid as i know some and i know too that they are uploading hollywoods movies, i guess DP is working a bit like a lottery it is a matter of luck if you got paid.
But from my personnal experience they are good scammer, let me explain
I lost only 5 days with them whereas nasty Scammers delay payment again and again so you keep hope you'll get your money and sometimes keep uploading files and lose your precious time.
I requested my money,2 days ago,they paid me few hours ago,but I got also a notice of copyright infrigmented,what does it mean,I'm closer to ban?
I've been using DF since only the start of February 2012. I've been careful and only uploaded Asian shows which don't have Europe/American licenses. I hope I don't get banned after requesting a payout. And I'm also in Asia.
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also about the guy who said his first 200 file got deleted suddenly. I think the reason could be that they check the stats and if the majority of your downloaders are from US, as they know that the file is 99% has DMCA issue they just delete it. if for example the majority of downloaders are from east asia or your files are not US movies or porn or such then i doubt they would even bother with your files !! they dont want to lose premium sales. its like they are cleaning house on the amercian uploaders' side !
all those 200+ files was on planetsuzy. I think these files got too many dmca complaints. because this forum is very popular and vendors are hunting for their productions. If anyone are planetsuzy user, you must know this damn red phrase: Content removed at request of copyright owner :facepalm:

on the other side, I have a lot of files on less known forums and they are untouched
ah, then that explains everything ^^.
Still cant find a logic behind these damn account bannings !! I strongly believe there should be some sort of logic behind this but if its really random, then me gotta just sit and pray as well !
all those 200+ files was on planetsuzy. I think these files got too many dmca complaints. because this forum is very popular and vendors are hunting for their productions. If anyone are planetsuzy user, you must know this damn red phrase: Content removed at request of copyright owner :facepalm:

on the other side, I have a lot of files on less known forums and they are untouched

what is the forum u r talking about :O?
I just talked to a friend who contacted DF support and asked about why his account got banned ! smart bastard asked right out of the blue that if they are banning people who upload american movies and american porn and the rep told that they are alot more strict toward american productions such as movie and etc now and since they get tons of daily DMCA on this stuff they will just ban the uploader for breaking their copyright infrigment rule repeatedly !
Guess they just didnt care before but now its different it seems and the idea about banning american uploaders is out of the window ^^. good thing im not uploading anything related to USA -_-
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I've made the right choice too I think. I'm never engaged with anything related to US and also warez. But I can't be so sure until my first payout.

I might have been earning slow on DF but I chose this file host because of the 90 day file storage and they have built a good reputation in years. I guess it serves the purpose for me to share my stuffs over the net, and the payout would just be a little incentive. lol
yeh, you did and hopefully you will receive your payment with no issue. I suppose this is their way of dealing with non-stop harassment from american companies, meaning just get rid of the uploader ! uploaders who upload american stuff wont give up anyway, so it make sense to just block the account !
its quite easy to check what kind of files the uploaders are uploading, then there goes your account. bye bye ^^
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nothing new mate.. states have been wrong for a long time. they seemed to fix it for a short time though as my downloads jumped to 800-900 from usual 300-400 . exactly doubled ! but lasted only a few days. just bear with it. if you are a movie or american porn or american music uplaoder then sweetea is probably right. its like sitting on a time bomb waiting for it to explode ( i mean banned). I fear DF no only does not pay american uploaders anymore but also banns uploaders who earn by uploading american stuff !
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