datalife engine leecher

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yeah but can it leech automatically, or do we need to click on grab everytime?

also the sites which uses post grabber for dle, i see their traffic from google is almost 0 how is that possible
ahh thats not nice, can someone make it so we will have and then i will use cpanel to cron it?

also all sites with those grabber doesnt has google traffic, other sites like 10k a day minimum how is that?
@andrew, where you host your site ?

so, this is Last Word script and you share here for free or,
this is free script but Last Word sell it ?
for me i run it this but the prob is not to post it after 1 day they post it in my site i dont know what is the prob... anyone there can help me this problem..
I have used dle grabber..It worked with coied articles from there to my website..U need to make adjustment in your gmt time of your website with other websites..

Try grabbing from am sure u can grab all article from there..
<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() in <b>/home/aiostop/public_html/leech/grabber.php</b> on line <b>142</b><br />

It is giving me this error and when i am trying to install "Áàçà óñòàíîâëåíà."
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