datalife engine leecher

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remove these keywords
from grabber.php

but PS: it doesn't works on dle 9

nah dude
removing will not make it work
and it work in dle 9.
i have tried

<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() in <b>/home/aiostop/public_html/leech/grabber.php</b> on line <b>142</b><br />

It is giving me this error and when i am trying to install "Áàçà óñòàíîâëåíà."

you have to install mbstring in your server
you can do that if you are in vps
if in shared, then ask your host.

The mbstring (Multibyte String) library is a PHP library to be able to convert char sets from one language to another.

In centos, through ssh, enter below command to install it:
yum install php-mbstring
m getting this when i tried to install
���� �����������.

mbstring is installed already can u help....
m getting this when i tried to install
���� �����������.

mbstring is installed already can u help....
Site from where you were trying to leech?
Note: Theres a module released by which noone can leech articles. So that will not work if that site using that module.

this is happening while installing not leeching when i try to run this it happens tried on 9.2 & 8.5 both

U guys should know the thing tht now there are modules which prevent leeching so dle grabber is nt working with these sites..If it is not working then u should forget abt leeching(Anti leecher might be installed).
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