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Dear partners,

We have decided to remove the PPD plan due to low profitability. Members who have worked on this plan switched into PPS plan.

thanks a lot, fucknuts.

Any good PPD suggestions?
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Not a single sale since i start working with them. :(

Thnx for FO invite again, bro.

I get good sales with Datafile from my blog. Almost all links are premium-only and no mirrors.

For posting on forums though, it's different story.
I get MUCH more sales with keep2share/fileboom than I do with Datafile.
I tested this by posting same stuff to 5 forums using only Datafile links, and 5 other forums using only fileboom links.
Fileboom links get 10x more downloads + 5x more sales than Datafile links.
Not a single sale since i start working with them. :(

Thnx for FO invite again, bro.

I get good sales with Datafile from my blog. Almost all links are premium-only and no mirrors.

For posting on forums though, it's different story.
I get MUCH more sales with keep2share/fileboom than I do with Datafile.
I tested this by posting same stuff to 5 forums using only Datafile links, and 5 other forums using only fileboom links.
Fileboom links get 10x more downloads + 5x more sales than Datafile links.
probably you post datafile links in low traffic forums and fb links in higher traffic forum!
I have daily sales with datafile and post only on forums!
I am satisfied with the results i get from datafile!
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Since PPD is gone (I am glad it is), Datafile should make free downloads more restrictive in order to increase sales.

1) Slower free download speed
2) Make it possible to increase free download delay to longer than 60 minutes
3) Disable resume/multi-threaded download for free downloads
4) START BANNING DEBRID ACCOUNTS. I see 100% obvious debrid accounts everyday in my download stats.
5) Add more payment methods.

Please do it.
Since PPD is gone (I am glad it is), Datafile should make free downloads more restrictive in order to increase sales.

1) Slower free download speed
2) Make it possible to increase free download delay to longer than 60 minutes
3) Disable resume/multi-threaded download for free downloads
4) START BANNING DEBRID ACCOUNTS. I see 100% obvious debrid accounts everyday in my download stats.
5) Add more payment methods.

Please do it.
i agree with you!
Start reporting all debrid accounts (check range IP - if is OVH FRANCE is for sure DEBRID site).
Open a ticket and report them!
It looks like all debrid accounts that i reported was banned! Because i dont see any new downloads from that accounts!
well i have no sales on datafile and since datafile only trying to save money becoz of ppd, mostly people still dont use datafile that is why there less sales there. i still recommend datafile should start both program every one is free to make there own choice, pps or ppd. if they only use pps then its no use for me good bye datafile.
well i have no sales on datafile and since datafile only trying to save money becoz of ppd, mostly people still dont use datafile that is why there less sales there. i still recommend datafile should start both program every one is free to make there own choice, pps or ppd. if they only use pps then its no use for me good bye datafile.
Since you weren't making any sales, then why should they keep paying you for downloads?
Since you weren't making any sales, then why should they keep paying you for downloads?
haven't paid yet and i hope they will becoz that is few$ i earn from downloading

To datafile(also one suggestion i want to give to datafile if u have a low profitability u r pay rates are low too just make u r pay rates a little lower more. maybe then u r satisfied to u r profit. in this case both ppd and pps parters would be happy. thanks)
Since you weren't making any sales, then why should they keep paying you for downloads?
haven't paid yet and i hope they will becoz that is few$ i earn from downloading
I agree they should pay you for what you earned before, as long as you weren't cheating (not saying you were cheating, but some people do try to cheat. And usually the cheaters are the ones with zero sales).

To datafile(also one suggestion i want to give to datafile if u have a low profitability u r pay rates are low too just make u r pay rates a little lower more. maybe then u r satisfied to u r profit. in this case both ppd and pps parters would be happy. thanks)
You don't get it. The point I was making with my previous post is, if you're not making any sales, you're not earning anything for datafile. If you're not earning anybody anything, then why should they keep paying you for getting people to download files?

If you were a salesman at a car dealership and you never sell anything, do you think they're going to pay you a salary forever? After a while they're just going to fire you.
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