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probably a delay in wmz....strange that they doesnt announce this delays!
And response to tickets are so slow.....from now on i will probably request by pp too!

I must see a pending payment or something?
Payment just appear in wmz or should be a pending payment first somehere on site?
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I cant enter to the site, it won't load, can anybody tell me what can be a reason?

it's like the blank page like this and than it gives me an error.


please help me :(
I tried with every browser, but it still won't work
I'm sure I'm not IP banned, I'm still receiving e-mails from the site, about deleting my files.
thnx for help, I'll try =]

unfortunately no announcement, and no reply in tickets!
This is what i dont like about them!Support is almost inexistent!
Probably is exchanger delay (holidays ...) and we will be paid on monday or tuesday!
Site still unstable and web upload always give me errors (since 26 December). Support working, they responded for my ticket 1 December, however i still cant upload ;/

Im start thinking about change filehost ;/
@ Datafile

You must fix this problem of downtimes urgently or maybe you should start pay a compensation for us.
The site is up and down several times almost everyday.

I agree with sometimes, it's very hard to work with Datafile this way.
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