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The files were deleted.
The only way to restore them is reup all them again.

if it`s true.. this is the end for this host.. any normal uploader will stay away from this host if this is true.. because this can happen again in next 2-3 monts and all work will be lost for one night :) let`s see what will write admin ...
My All Files gone to Trash
Terms of Use

Important Prohibitions

4. Uploading ANY adult content. Uploading any of adult files will get your account closed.

<<< is this a joke?>>>>
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Whats the point of spamming the thread with the same shit?Everybody knows our files are deleted.
Here is something new:
I tried to upload by ftp,but it doesnt work.."you are not allowed to log in try it later"
Rebills doesnt work either...i have usually 15+ rebills a day but today its zero..11$ was added to my balance a few hourse ago,but it doesnt appear on the stat page.
A few days ago they assured me that they are going to do some changes on the payout page(adding more payout methods) so i dont think they planned this.I remember last year the same
happened with Oteupload,all files was gone without reason.
Lets wait for the "official" support.
Well... I think I will wait for an explanation from Datafile admin only for today.
If no explanation from him today, tomorrow I will chose other filehost to work.
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