[TD="class: ftd"]Total [/TD]
can not sales for 6000+ dl :wacko:
You don't have sales because the download speed for free users if high (130kbs).
And also I noticed that even if you chose the delay time on 60 minutes, the free users are able to download the next file after wait less than 30 minutes. It's just you look in your download stats on files downloaded by a free user, and just look in the time the file was downloaded and you can see that they are waiting less than 60 minutes before download the next file.
Because there is a bug in the delay time option for free users on Partner Settings panel.
Takes a look.
This US user downloaded the first file at 21:04.
Then his second download should be after 22:04 because I changed the delay option to 60 minutes after the first file.
But as you can see his second download was at 21:31. He waited 27 minutes and not 60 minutes as I marked as delay time.
With short delay time and high download speed the free users are able to download all they want without need buy premium.