DamImage.com and our other services - Earn up to $8/1000

Very good news :

The script has successfully changed !!!

Counter the image is permanently switched on !!!

Upload is very fast !!!

Server works perfectly and I'm sure you will be satisfied with :)
This is a big problem that we finally fix

Now we'll try to get back to some great forums !!!

New news soon ....

DamImage.com Team

hello admin

can you please replay my Ticket #27

You have received your payment a few hours ago.
Please check your paypal.

[TABLE="class: aff_edit"]
[TD]Date requested: [/TD]
[TD]2014-08-02 18:38:14[/TD]
[TD]Date recived: [/TD]
[TD]2014-08-05 10:32:58[/TD]

Payouts are every Tuesday
I do not know what the problem
You are asked for payment 3 days ago, now you got it, because it's Tuesday

Please read the rules, please
We really do not have time to respond to questions that have long explained

DamImage.com Team
Very good news :

The script has successfully changed !!!

Counter the image is permanently switched on !!!

Upload is very fast !!!

Server works perfectly and I'm sure you will be satisfied with :)
This is a big problem that we finally fix

Now we'll try to get back to some great forums !!!

New news soon ....

DamImage.com Team

Inc. ImageTeam.org?

Yes, this all goes for imageteam.org :)

DamImage.com Team
is it up to $6 per 1000 image views or $7 caues i see $6 and $7

Up to $6 per 1000 image views

TIER 1 : ( $7 / 1000 )
Country : Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States
yeah i know thanks i saw that after i post

Edit : looks like a good imghost but way way to many popups dont know if they are going to allowed me to use this imghost excessive pop ups :( but $7 1000/views sounds realy good
Last edited:
yeah i know thanks i saw that after i post

Edit : looks like a good imghost but way way to many popups dont know if they are going to allowed me to use this imghost excessive pop ups :( but $7 1000/views sounds realy good

More pop ups.. more money.
Everybody should know this...
If you need less pop ups than use an other site of this admin.
You will be paid less for your traffic, but there will be less ads and pop ups.
And it will be allowed more forums...
Contact admin about this.
yeah i know thanks i saw that after i post

Edit : looks like a good imghost but way way to many popups dont know if they are going to allowed me to use this imghost excessive pop ups :( but $7 1000/views sounds realy good

More pop ups.. more money.
Everybody should know this...
If you need less pop ups than use an other site of this admin.
You will be paid less for your traffic, but there will be less ads and pop ups.
And it will be allowed more forums...
Contact admin about this.

Thanks for the explanation :)
Many people do not understand how this business is functioning.

If you want less ads, use ImageTeam.org|Free Image Hosting (also my host - much less advertising, and much lower earnings)

DamImage.com Team

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