DamImage.com and our other services - Earn up to $8/1000

New good news :

DamImage.com approved the kitty-kats, but administrators have forgotten that it added to the list of allowed.
You are free to continue with the use of our host in this forum.

The vipergirl currently not possible to go back ....... maybe in some distant future.

Earn money and enjoy :)

DamImage.com Team
I didn't check the whole thread, but is it only me or does the mass remote upload doesn't give you the url for the images? I'm only getting the images ID (ie: 13d5rUBVlhHx1), but not the url for each image (ie: http://damimage.com/img-13d5rUBVlhHx1.html). [fake address, it's just an example] Also, what's the max number of links that this mass remote upload handles?

Mass Remote Upload Instruction :

1. Paste url/s and click "Upload"

2. When the upload is finished, click OK

3. Copy your codes where you want :)

News :

Because of the ban of our site on a large site (ext...torrent.cc) we decided to remove adblock system.
This will affect our profits, but we want to try a few days without adblok protection.

If the business activity of our company is still profitable, these changes will remain permanent.

DamImage.com Team
still waiting :whistling:

PAYOUTS CAN REQUEST EVERY DAY (waiting time is 1-3 days)

You must be patient because we have a lot of demands for payment each day.

Many people are trying to send a fake traffic.
Therefore, each request for payment goes through a thorough verification.
It slows the flow of payments, but do not worry.
If you were fair, you'll receive your money :)

DamImage.com Team
still waiting :whistling:

PAYOUTS CAN REQUEST EVERY DAY (waiting time is 1-3 days)

You must be patient because we have a lot of demands for payment each day.

Many people are trying to send a fake traffic.
Therefore, each request for payment goes through a thorough verification.
It slows the flow of payments, but do not worry.
If you were fair, you'll receive your money :)

DamImage.com Team

yeah, my traffic is legit u can check my referer link :-=
PAYOUTS CAN REQUEST EVERY DAY (waiting time is 1-3 days)

You must be patient because we have a lot of demands for payment each day.

Many people are trying to send a fake traffic.
Therefore, each request for payment goes through a thorough verification.
It slows the flow of payments, but do not worry.
If you were fair, you'll receive your money :)

DamImage.com Team

yeah, my traffic is legit u can check my referer link :-=

If your traffic sources are legit you will get your money, be patient they have other users to pay too...
dude i got Infraction today for using damimage there
either the admin who give me the Infraction are stupid or not all the staff are aware of ur site got approved

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