Just Paid ;
Your Order Number is: 8326477002
Get my slot ready pls
Should be auto delivered.
And please dont use WJ for support, we have ticket system for that.
We are not allowed to provide support via WJ
Added after 3 Days 6 Hours:
Hello all,
We are moving our website to a new and better server.
The move is all ready but the domain change will be done sometime today night (12:00 hrs to 02:00 hrs IST)
You can change to your timezone here
Time Converter and World Clock - Conversion at a Glance - Pick best time to schedule conference calls, webinars, online meetings and phone calls.
Should be okay without any problems, but just in case something went bad it might take some time to fix it.
SO in case you need help or support during these hours, please use our email or SKYPE for support
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Skype (Kaiatcyberplanet)[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Gmail (kaicyberplanet@gmail.com)
[/FONT]Email ID
Thank you
O wait, one more thing , we will be coming up with a super promo for after the move is complete, so keep your eyes and ears open
Added after 3 Days 15 Hours:
As promised during the site migration, we are launching a new promotion for one week.
Use the pormo code '
%50OFF' to get 50% off on first month on any plan (except for VPS).
The code will be valid till 24/04/2016 or untill stock lasts.