- File Hosting, 75% on Premium Account Sales

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FH Partner,
Is it possible to have an unpack and archive function? It will be great if FM users have the option to unpack the several part files that we usually get from remote uploads. I'm now doing remote from oron and the stuff i want it's like 100 or so small chunks.
Awaiting your reply about this matter.
Best regards
Unfortunately such tool is unavailable at the moment.
But it's added to our "to do" list.

Dear webmasters!

We are happy to present you two summer bonus programs!

Program 1 is designed to reward webmasters who already work with the service.
Program 2 is open for all webmasters and helps to study our system.

In the coming days more information will appear on the website.

Program 1 - "100% on Sales"
Program is active from 01.06.2011 till 31.08.2011 (June, July and August).
During campaign period your account earnings for the each month will be compared with earnings in April month.
From the moment when your earnings for the current month will exceed the earnings for April, you'll receive a bonus reward on all subsequent sales.
The bonus reward is 25% on new sales. For rebill payments the bonus is 40%. Thus, you can get up to 100% on new sales and rebill payments!

a) All webmasters who earned money in April automatically take the part in the action.
b) Earnings through the referrals program are not considered.
c) The maximum bonus reward for each month may limited to the amount earned in April.
d) If the amount earned in April is less than $200, the maximum bonus reward is $200.
e) The amount in paragraph "d" may be increased on an individual basis. Please contact our support for this.
f) Commission and other losses are deducted.
g) In a case of rebill payment the bonus reward is distributed in the following order:
if only rebill owner is in a bonus mode, then he gets 40%.
if only file owner is in a bonus mode, then he gets 40%.
if both of them: 15% gets file owner, 25% gets rebill owner.

Program 2 - "$100 per site"
Program is active from 01.06.2011 till 31.08.2011 (June, July and August).
You will receive a bonus of $100 on a site bonus account for each new site registered in system *
Transfers from the bonus account to your account balance occurs in correspondence to the following table:

- To get the first $15, the site has to earn $15
- To get the next $35, the site has to earn $50
- To get the remaining $50, the site has to earn $100
Bonus is valid for 100 days.

* Websites already registered but did not earn money in April automatically take part in the action.
** Under the site earnings is understood the amount earned by webmaster as site owner.
If someone works with porn extreme content with this filehost, let me know and i can give you access to post on my site ;)

Added after 1 Day 12 Hours:

FH Partner

Is it possible to add "description" on our files, so when i click on my link i can see description which i wrote?
Seems like "description" option works only if i want to add files in catalogue.

Could you do something like that?

Last edited:
Thank you for your question. We're working on this issue.
Currently you can do in a such way:
You can add the descriprion to your files. Even if you do not add them to the catalog.
Every folder has RSS that shows the files (links with description) added to this folder.
I would LOVE to make your service my main service. I am an ELITE Affiliate with FileSonic atm. But there are 2 Problems, which you addressed, but "half-assed":

1) Files are deleted after 60 days if not downloaded 5 (!) times in 60 days or min 1 Premium purchased. For a site like mine, which has a reputation of having all files 99% available, even after a long time (it is an educational site), this is not acceptable. Ok you added this Quota Rule now, but still the problem is that I do not have the time to "watch over my files". Attention: I would be willing to PAY for my files to stay live!

2) PayPal. A web surfer is gone faster then he came. NOBODY wants to take the time and effort to click through the whole procedure of your resellers to pay them with PayPal. You MUST acceot PayPal. Period.

As soon as you are willing to meet 1) & 2) please tell me and I will give you a LOT of business, for there are people behind me, who follow me.
I like your site, system, everything, but something have to be changed, i dont know what. The thing is that few times on my sites i made vote, and a lot of people which want to download from FM are already long term users (and they arent in my rebill system), or they just go away. Bigger affiliate sites which are probably on top in your system can only make good cash, cause they are from start with you, they are big and known for FM users, and they easily get any content from RSS feed, and so that sites got huge amount of post, so whatever i post, people already found on these bigger sites :(
Well i dont know, with current system its hard to become succesfull as someone who signed to FM before 2 years... I dont say its impossible, but i can earn 2/3 times more on some other hosts... As i said i like their system, options, everything but i cant see point of being much active for less profit then i could earn on other host.
Yes, they pay, but I've heard that recently they increased min.p ayout to $200.

So pretty difficult to get payout.

But if you're lazy, content coop is a good way to fill up a megablog (and keep it updated) within a few minutes.
Are allowed adult / porn / files?

They allow porn exclusively.
You account is suspended. The reason is: no financial activity.

I got only 200 mb files in there... this host is another

Your account with all your files will be deleted on March, 1st. To prevent this, please contact us.
At your request we can:
– provide you the list of links to your files;
– delete your account and all your files;
– resume your account.
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