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  1. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Depends mostly from where you are doing remote upload. At this moment in time i'm remoting from filesonic and the speed is around 3500 KB/Sec. I'm sure this is not an Oron problem
  2. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    You need to have your own website and earn at least 1000$ per month. This is the only away to enable Webmaster’s tools account.
  3. X – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    Is it possible to remote from Megaupload to Filesonic? I'm not Megaupload premium member. Thanks in advance
  4. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Foxgirl, try to send a message to support using this link: Explain your problem to them. Cheers
  5. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    abby must be in that bad time of the month for all girls... Abby, do you use tampons or sandpaper? I think today you're using the second...
  6. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    And why they dont extend your account using your earnings? They deed that to me some days ago. If you requested it some hours ago, you should wait. Usually they are fast.
  7. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    I'm Portuguese and i love sardines and tuna fish ;)
  8. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Not here mate. Contact Oron support ( and explain your problem to them.
  9. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Not really like that... content-cooperation does not have PP for almost 2 years and they are still around and kinking but. Last month i've earned 500 from them
  10. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Thats all bullshit. Porn industry relies on piracy to grow. Like Microshit does. Do you think most of the people that buy original porn just goes only for what they saw in a movie cover and almost no details about the movie? People aren't stupid to spend money in a porn movie where the best...
  11. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    How many sales 3300 downloads (300MB chunks) in 9 days can usually generate how many sales, rebills? Thanks in advance
  12. X offers you a great opportunity to earn money!

    Im using FileZilla to upload files larger than 1Gb, after transfering 600MB or so, upload stops and starts from 0. No such problems when using a browser. Anyone knows what could be wrong? FileZilla or Oron FTP? I'm a premium member. Thanks
  13. X

    Remote upload from Filesonic to other host ??

    So.... have you tryed?
  14. X - File Hosting, 75% on Premium Account Sales

    FH Partner, Is it possible to have an unpack and archive function? It will be great if FM users have the option to unpack the several part files that we usually get from remote uploads. I'm now doing remote from oron and the stuff i want it's like 100 or so small chunks. Awaiting your reply...