- 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

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Upload speed is very slow. I tried to upload 170MB file size it took ages to upload. I had to cancel it, and choose other filehost.

You should work on your upload speed 1st.
please add ftp upload asap

We are working on it...

Do you Accept USA ?

Yes, USA users can download and upload both...

can't find it anywhere how much do you pay for 1 download ?? where is the tier system ??

1$/1000 - Free Users
5$/1000 - Registered Users
15$/1000 - Premium Users

No tier system, whole world is accepted and counted too...

what about Filemanager layout ... when it will be change ?

This is the basic layout of XFileSharing Pro so i dont think so it will ever change...

dont want to be mean but who would go for a host thats using domain with .cc / .co (cheap enuf imo -.-)

.cc domain costs approx 29 $ per year which is costly then .com/.net/.org which costs only 9.99 $ per year.

do you finally pay out via alertpay?

@armt: cc is expensive^^

We are daily paying payout via AlertPay from the 1st day...

php and asp setup ?

Didnt get you, please elaborate...

free a/c space is just 45 GB ???? why ??????

45 GB is enough for personal use, if you want more then you can upgrade your account anytime...

What does PUBLISH a file means in filemanager ?

It means your files will be indexed in google and those files wont be counted in PPD aka you wont get paid for published files.

Error: null filesize or wrong file path :facepalm:

Sorry, i didnt get you...

Upload speed is very slow. I tried to upload 170MB file size it took ages to upload. I had to cancel it, and choose other filehost.

You should work on your upload speed 1st.

We are adding servers daily to get more and more speeds...

Also can you tell me your location from where you upload?
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