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  1. A - Discussion.

    Do you guys have a Skype / email contact ?
  2. A

    Stay away from (SCAMMERS) ^ they have replaced my HDD and havent done anything to the ram and till now offline after that i havent got any reply (today = 2nd of OCT)
  3. A

    Stay away from (SCAMMERS)

    Hey Webmasters, STAY away from they arent honest and crappy service and scammers and always down Before anyone come and say " dont judge on them without giving them enough time to reply " Ok let me clarify why i said "Scammers" : 1 - Everyday there is atleast 1 hr downtime 2 -...
  4. A - 1 Gbps Remote Desktop Accounts from 25$/Month (USA, NL)

    You pay for a month , you get maximum 14 days out of 30 possible days ... Super service
  5. A

    Access Restriction to my Payza Account

    Not hijacking or something but Payza Support really really terrible and recently done the same to my account claiming that there is many chargebacks and refunds and whatsoever but when i call them their support says " we dont have any records of Chargebacks or refunds on your account " , they...
  6. A

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    ok for the time being , do they pay on Moneybookers ??
  7. A - 1 Gbps Remote Desktop Accounts from 25$/Month (USA, NL)

    the service has a been a big joke the last 2 months :S Desere and sveen both down :@
  8. A


    Hey Guys I'd like to have your opinion on the new theme and if there is any bugs or something annoying or suggestions i'd be more than welcome to hear it :) Regards, ARMT
  9. A File Hosting

    ^ still no affiliate system for new uploaders on your site ??
  10. A - 1 Gbps Remote Desktop Accounts from 25$/Month (USA, NL)

    That thread definately going to be closed - even their support doesnt reply on tickets ....
  11. A

    [official] Thread

    i got 4 sales yesterday :)
  12. A - 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

    Stats are *********** 2413 / $11.242 - SERIOUSLY !!
  13. A - 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

    @KOF who requested at 11-5 , when we are going to get paid :) ?
  14. A

    [official] Thread

    ^ 100$ / day
  15. A - 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

    Stats totally wrong and needs to be fixed asap
  16. A - 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

    Stats still not fixed 2.5k downloads and i get only 13$ -.-
  17. A - $10 PPS + 60% Rebills | 0.12 Per Free Account! | Launch Bonus

    well now thats interesting to have a filehost with a custom script :) 15GB Storage for Registered user :D - you gotta increase that limit
  18. A

    [official] Thread

    @ Simmer - Didnt know u are the smartest one here -.- @ Wadibahi - Already done that shit long time ago ( one of the times when i requested a new pw from Netload and received the new ones on the email the hacker was already changed the NEW PW that netload sent to something else !!)
  19. A

    [official] Thread

    Guys - hacker has my User ID and have hacked the account about 6 TIMES already and whenever i get new password from Netload the hacker gets the account back no matter what i do (changed pw , changed email , changed nickname) what else i can do to keep that F***er away from my account !!