Access Restriction to my Payza Account

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New Member
Dear Sir,
Reg : My Payza account (, Name : Md. Asadul Hoque Chy.
I received $487.75 in My above Payza personal starter account. Then Payza noticed me that this is excess of my account limit, they are upgrading my account & deducting fees as per upgraded personal Pro account.
But meantime after 2 days, I couldnt login my account, during login time, the below message is shown
Access to your account is currently restricted. Please contact Customer Support for assistance
Then I sent a ticket & got below reply but yet problem is there, cant access to my account.
Pls arrange to resolve the problem, so that I can access to my account smoothly.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Payza Customer Support <>
Date: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 10:49 PM
Subject: [#DWM-326-85338]: Access Restriction to my Account.

Md Asadul Hoque Chy,

Thank you for contacting Payza! This is an automated response confirming the receipt of your ticket. One of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ticket ID: DWM-326-85338
Subject : Access Restriction to my Account.
Department: All Other My Account Inquiries
Type: Issue
Status: Open
Priority: High

Kind regards,


Not hijacking or something but Payza Support really really terrible and recently done the same to my account claiming that there is
many chargebacks and refunds and whatsoever but when i call them their support says " we dont have any records of Chargebacks or
refunds on your account " , they have the best yet terrible support on the phone that you just call them and they will just say we cant do anything and email the X department - so why the hell they have Phone support when it couldnt even make an internal call to find a solution to the problem in a short time instead of emails back and forth
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