Can Any one help me regarding wrzhost

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Active Member
Hello Wj

First I want to say that i really not happy with wrzhost

i explain my problem from first

Nick Offer me in PM

" 8 cores and 32GB RAM Intel Processor
· 40GB Hard Drive Space
· 1.5GB RAM, 2GB Burstable RAM
· unlimited bandwith 100mbps port
· 3 IP Addressesd
. Cpanel + WHM
. Fully Managed"

I Accept that and made the payment
he gave me that vps but not the same configuration

i submit a ticket about that and Nick and his staff jay replying there but till
1 month already finish no solution i get.

even from 2-4 day he not replying in ticket.Last reply i got on 16th and that is Nick says "lease talk to me over msn messanger between 9am and 5pm GMT and I will get it all sorted for you!"

but till now he is online in wj but not in msn.

guys tell me what shd i do.

We have responded to your countless tickets for the same problem.

We don't support people through forums, however I will reply with what we have said time after time in the many tickets you have opened.

" 8 cores and 32GB RAM Intel Processor
I have been waiting for you to give me your details to migrate you to a 8 core server.
· 40GB Hard Drive Space
-You have this.
· 1.5GB RAM, 2GB Burstable RAM
- You also have this, it doesn't matter if the server has 255GB of ram ot 2GB of ram, you will still have the same, the server you are on has 12GB of ram, if we put more load on the server it will just effect your network performance.
· unlimited bandwith 100mbps port
You have this.
· 3 IP Addressesd
You have 5 IPs
. Cpanel + WHM
Again, you have this.
. Fully Managed"
And although you haven't paid for this, we have still given it to you.

P.S I am on MSN now, and have been every day for the last two or three months now...

if you check ticket then you got that info lots of time even after you ask that i gave you but no reply from your side.

and about ip i got only 3 ips
lol wrzhost did something similar to me last year, and that was why i moved out from them. If you have a problem they cant solve, they dont answer, dont give explanation, they dont do anything.

My advice is, look for another host.
I have been long time with wrzhost, and anybody who need long time deal its damn wrzhost who you can trust basically
I say its biggest and best in the end
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