- 1 Gbps Remote Desktop Accounts from 25$/Month (USA, NL)

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Could you guys check connection? I was uploading 10 files at 3-4mbps each with Filezilla and it suddently lowered to 300-500kbps ;s

Edit: Upload speeds is okay now, dunno what happened.

Edit 2: Check rar/unrar speeds in Vernom server please, it is really slow. 10 minutes to rar a 1.2gb file and counting..
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Awesome speed Up/Down, but the raring is very slow, the process doesnt get even 1% of the CPU :( Already sent a ticket u.u

Thank you for the honest review.
Raring doesn't depend on the CPU, but it depends on Ram and Hard drives.
If someone else on your hard disk is abusing the server then you may experience slow speeds.

Thank you
Yeah I guest so, so there's nothing you guys can do right?
Bummer >_<
Well mmm is there any chance I can get a "exchange" for a "KS NW100"? (If I can use it as RDP) or a "KS NW200" but in that case I only have 1 dollar in my paypal account, the rest wll be pay on my next due date xD
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