VPS BoxSlots.com - Unmetered 100Mbit/1Gbit/2Gbit VPS from £10.99/month (Netherlands)

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What problem ? WE supply weekly backups we do this in case of any issue on our side, it is not our issue to make hourly, daily backups of your data if you cannot do this then why have you not opened a ticket and requested this be done for you ? Consider this matter dealt with your ticket has been replied to every time you have made a response.
ok, ok, i just going to close my mouth.
@DarkAcidBlue I'm not trying to get you to shut up or go away or anything else of that kind, I'm just trying to meet you half way, no were have we ever advertised we take back ups for clients data we do this for piece of mind in case anything goes wrong we supplied you with what you didn't have and that is doing more than we advertise, Sorry you lost several days work but again it isn't our duty to do your backups for you mate.

@praveer always :D
Firstly let me ask you when have you made a ticket or contacted support ? Feel free to PM me ticket ID's or date's times of those supposed chats ;)

Secondly your rtorrent speeds you cannot just point the finger at a service regardless of were you have gotten it from, your config, torrent age, activity, swarm, seeders, leechers, % completed by seechers / leechers all comes into play so again PM the ticket id's or chat logs dates or even your email ID to pull up your account, Secondly, None of my staff would advise you upgrade your ram due to a slow torrent thats just stupid within its self.


ok PM'd you have a look yourself and maybe talk to Kyle why he'd suggest such a thing. Meanwhile I still have an unusable vps and since somebody closed the ticket on me I assumed the answer was ~ tough sh*t

There is nothing to be beware of, IF you have any issues use our support system.

If you have any problems, do not post here. It will only delay the help.

NL-8 is undergoing main board replacement the defect was first noted last night at 7pm GMT the repair will not take more than 30 minutes.

Added after 35 minutes:


NL-8 is now back on line fully repaired defective main board now in its new home "The Bin" sorry for the interruption of service to those on that master.
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the worst service I've ever had , 2 servers are down over 24 hours ,
2 times in 2 months are downtime over 24 hours ... Live support cancels my talk ..
this hoster is not really recommended...
@Kuschel2008 any evidence to back up the false allegation ? No servers have been down for 24 hours, no live chats were cancelled, Kayako has a bug were messages are not received by the user hence live support not being on.

how many users do you put on each hard drive? also what size HD's do you use in your servers?

Upto 4 users per disk, 1TB WD Black caviar's 6Gbit/s version.
@Kuschel2008 any evidence to back up the false allegation ? No servers have been down for 24 hours, no live chats were cancelled, Kayako has a bug were messages are not received by the user hence live support not being on.

Upto 4 users per disk, 1TB WD Black caviar's 6Gbit/s version.

i have 2 ovh servers buy off you page , and this server are down ..
and live support cancels my talk... And live support ticket no answer ...
i can make screenshoot , 8 support tickets in 2 month because server are down ...
@Kuschel2008 they are OVH servers you were already told they have been contacted, lets be honest OVH are not known for reliability, sadly i do not control their systems so patience is a virtue being i do have to wait on them.
Just to clear up something, WE DO NOT use ovh for our systems we used to resell OVH systems for those that were not able to buy them.

Added after 3 Hours 35 minutes:

@Kuschel2008 you have 6 servers with us for two of those we cannot control ourselves you open 3 fraud paypal claims which well are not true being you have had services with us for over 6 months, Good luck & Good bye all your services are suspended no more PM's lets have PayPal decide your fate.
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caution at this hoster , he has cancel all my server ,because of money I wanted to have two servers back... this hoster is very untrustworthy...
I have 2 ovh servers , and this ovh server are down for 48 hours , at last month the same , and than i have for this month retrieved my money for this servers , and than this provider also cancel all my other servers ...
As said above, your services have been suspended, do you think lying about fraudulant paypal use is right ? your OVH issues was resolved at 9:10am when I called them they had the issue controlled and resolved. Refer to paypal for further contact as your actions are no doubt very wrong.

@Deadmau5 replied buddy
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