BitShare Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

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You said that you are limited yourself since your friend tried to transfer you some money. So you first have to ensure that your account has no limit and THEN contact BS and ask them if they can transfer you the money again... It's not a BS problem, it's a problem with your webmoney account.

ok, if this is the case, then can i get the 40wmz????
Just ask them kindly if they can transfer you the remaining 40 WMZ again and tell them you upgraded your webmoney account so there are no limits any more... It was not their fault, but if you are kind and I assume you are a quite good affiliate if your payout was 500 WMZ so they should give you a second chance to receive your money ;)
BUT: You never know what they do, since they also have a huge delay in the regular payments... Nevertheless I wish you good luck!
No Money Until Now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

Are all of the requested payment day 25 to day 30 -3-201-3 , they received their money on WMZ
SMX, I have enabled keeper Classic in my webmoney account, now should i disable keeper mini or enable both, if i keep both keepers, then, will the financila restrictions hold or removed????
You don't need to disable keeper mini, your account should be OK now and have no limitations at all. Ask your friend again to transfer you the 10$ to be sure you can receive money, then best contact BitShare and ask them kindly to send you the remaining payment again... Good luck ;)
ok, when i try to edit the limits page, it cant be opened in my browsers, chrome and explorer.

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------

i got this response from WM support team
"You´ve added WM Keeper Classic as the main operation mode for your WMID. There are no financial limits for this type of WM Keeper."
and i have requested the Bitshare staff at FB to send wmz again, now wait whats going to happen.
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