BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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@Bitshare, quick suggestion, why don't you modify your load balancing script/application to send upload requests coming from OVH to your HK servers instead of US? I get very good upload speeds in the few cases I'm lucky enough to get connected to your HK servers from OVH. This way, both uploaders will be happy and the upload slots on your US servers will not be occupied for hours with slow uploads coming from OVH.
Bitshare sir i love your site and i have always and always supported but There is something wrong with stats and i can bet on it...for the past 4 days instead getting sales i have suddenly getting paid for downloads rather than sales and the option for Payper sales is still checked ...earned 27 $$s on 25 th march and 18 days with sales with out missing out a day..
and now since 25th only 1 sale in 7 days :(...and i have been posting like mad.

Please check it...i know always do best for your users and that's what i love about this site..

secondly if you'll allow me can i post the image of my stats over here..which can prove my point?

thank you so much in advance..

will be waiting for your positive reply :)
Seiously suspecting that sales aint counting. The stats before the server maintenance and now its running enhances the suspicion :( Bad

Bitshare ..sir stats are a bit stuck?
i mean there has been a drastic fall in sales from 20$s per day to now 0$...
please i think there is something wrong
thanks alot for your support :)...
luv the way you support your users

Me, too.
Nearly every day a sale but since 25.05. no sales anymore.

Funny, I also had a big drop in sales starting on May 25th.

Sales 17/05-24/05: 14
Sales 25/05-31/05: 2


Personnaly, I've been making 600$ in 6 days, and 8$ in the past 5 days, with stable traffic. How can you tell me nothing is wrong with that ?

Maybe your stats show alot of sales, but obviously your affiliates are not.
So stop telling us there's nothing wrong and give us answers.
How about taking a closer look into this for a start ?
Today should have been my best sales day since I started using BS yet I got zero sales til now... Something has to be wrong.
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Any one got mail from BS when u will change ur password or email address. for conform...... ur personal satting will be change..... tall me bitshare
Uploder member. i don't get any email from Bitshare........ plz reply on my topic. sorry for bad English.
Because RapidGator will be back soon and you might already closed new affiliates (I haven't confirmed it),
how about remove the upload speed limit?
They deleted ALL my files again indiscriminately... more than 2 TB! :facepalm:

My stats:

17/May-24/May: 1757 downloads and 14 sales

25/May-02/June: 3297 downloads and 2 sales

Be aware...
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