BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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You guys need to stop with the not counting sales accusations.From 5/25 through today,I have 15 sales for $137.00.
They are counting sales.
Just because you aren't getting sales doesn't mean bitshare is cheating you.It means no one wants your files.
My god,between all the stupid repetitive questions about your payments and other spam,it's a pain in the ass.Some of us actually come on here to find real info about real problems or to see if there might be something going on we need to know about.
Nobody wants to wade through page after page of bullshit to do that.

If you don't like what I just said,tough shit.If I were bitshare I'd have ban some of you a long time ago.He apparently has more patients than I do.
They deleted ALL my files again indiscriminately... more than 2 TB! :facepalm:

My stats:

17/May-24/May: 1757 downloads and 14 sales

25/May-02/June: 3297 downloads and 2 sales

Be aware...

the same problem for me, all my files are deleted to. What happens BITSHARE?

have good luck if you receive a response :facepalm:

3 times for my, but these are the last....

I haven't received my money in my paypal. But bitshare account saying that its completed. What is the problem.
my bitshare id is

Hey BitShare my Payout

"Completed 2012-05-21 2:20 43.21 $" but i dont have the money on my Paypal Account


@bapi21 @ Skizzle: come on guys, just read older reply ;)

and what? never happend to me, when in bitshare say complete I have the money in my paypal, but now, two days and nothing, and of course not response for bitshare.... SCA....???

And why delete my previous comment of these situation, for what are the official thread? mmmm
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If you don't like what I just said,tough shit.If I were bitshare I'd have ban some of you a long time ago.He apparently has more patients than I do.
Oh really?? Then he is gonna start a hospital so soon with those patients. lmfao. Many here was getting ur 137$ in one day. One day it stopped and they naturally complaining. Where else they will go since this is the official thread!!
Uribelo: Payments sometimes delay, it will be done within 24 hours. This even not passed.

kash: Its because you breake our rules. You know exactly why your files got deleted. Its for our own protection.

JoomlaZ: He is right. We dont count sales. We dont pay. Everytime you guys spam the same. Read his post closely.

uploaderkinox: Just disable auto encoding at settings.
In queue 2012-05-19 4:02 29.98 $

In queue 2012-05-17 13:26 29.95 $

Sir is this normal???

10 days are over i think :(

but files still in queue
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bitshare are you going do anything to fix the slow upload speed?
always upload to other hosts is done a few hours ago and bitshare is still uploading.
i really like bitshare but can't stand the upload speed.
hi....i have a problem and please dont consider it spam...i am not acusing...i am just asking... so...this is the 3-rd day with no sales for me wich never ever happened since i started on your host....not even 1 day with no today i thought about asking a friend to buy an account through one of my files to see if the sales are counted....and it did not...he bought a 1 day account and money for me? why is that happening? are you implementing something new and having problems with sales? i saw you added the plan for 1 day that is why i am is the problem?
is anyone getting sales?

I made 2 sales yesterday, after a long period of 5 days with only 1 sale (while I made on average 2-4 sales/day minimum B4 that).

My problem is not getting sales or not, it's beeing sure that all sales coming from me are actually counted. No reply from Bitshare when I gave them details of these suspicious premium accounts not counted...

Last post from daredevil isn't reassuring in this matter. :unsure:
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