BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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Quacking: You can use premium link on PPD but they will only be your referrals.

karsh: We check currently some servers.

amazonic: Dont be annoying. Leave our service and dont spam here.

karsh: Then files should be way faster then 2 minutes loading. It could be server block due to too many request. Do you recieve timeout errors?

hurz: We limited also FTP speed for the users to 300-500 kb/s.

tora: On Peak times, yes.

Check our Facebook Page for Free Premium Vouchers!
yes and some files have 0 download, files i know they re very wanted

it seems like they are being counted in the stats but in my files page they have 0
Hi Bitshare
I just login my account and shocked. All my files are lost more than 1500 files (500+ GB). My account is premium
What is problem with my account? or with your system? Reason?
Anyone get same problem?
Please check PM

Broken all my love for Bitshare. My comments are reason?

Yes i was suspended also for asking question here ..
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All my files aré mising, i have 0 files but download counter show slowly.

It is two days, i send you 3 emails from, but all is the sabe and i'm not response for you.

What is the problem. My count send you by pm.

FTP - Upload

@ bitshare

sorry, I have expressed myself wrong,

I can, since the server problems, no use FTP. There will be no contact. The settings are always the same as before. I can only upload via the browser. This was meant.

Port: 21
Total disaster

Forgive. I continue without being able to see my files, the unloads are not counted well, from 250 it has happened to 25, but theoretically there are 0 files. Give me a solution, is a system for 3 days does not work in my account, does not work at all. For private I have say you name of my count And in spite of my efforts, I have not achieved that they answer me.

I want to know if I must give i account for loss or not.
Good Results in last 2 days ( 2 @ 1 year premium sales ), and i haven't posting a lot in last 2 days because i enjoying the weekend :)

My visitors seem like Bitshare links now.

I only hope Bitshare can consider to make payout more faster, thanks :)
till waiting

Status Requested at Amount Paymentmethod Account
In queue 2012-05-12 9:26 23.22 $
Completed 2012-04-13 6:36 20.28 $
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till waiting
In queue 2012-05-12 9:26 23.22 $
I think, many of us have "in queue" paypal payout requests from beginning of May.

Maybe Mr. Bitshare can post a date, when next paypal payout is really made.
Then the daily "Where's my money" postings stop. :)

Edit: Upps!
Requested 2012-05-12 -> Completed TODAY!

Thank you, BitShare.
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