- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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thank you BS :"> you are the best host :">
Be patient guys, we pay everytime. Merry Christmas to all here.

Arvendu your payment should be done already, please inform me with your userid.
hi ,bitshare ,may i know why my non-public file are gone after being uploaded a few day ago and it the second time like this ,pls reply or i will find it's as a unreliable hoster and i will not dare to use it again ,thank you
Mr.Bitshare, thanks for the premium acc.

I have one question about the BitShare Points. The BitShare Points are kind of extra bonus(irrelevant to the bank balance?) , and can only be used to upgrade acc. or buy vouchers, is that right?

is AlertPay gonna be added to payment option too
(all other major hosters have it)
I can get payment through webmoney (paypal doesnt work in my region)
but AP is way more simple
webmoney is only good if there is a russian bank in your town
otherwise very complicated (and costly) to make withdrawal
Premium Accounts only for active members.

AlertPay will come soon, we will inform you in News.

About delayed payments: Please be patient, there is holiday time.
^ check few pages before, that was old promo. taken from News section:

Christmas Bonus Promo


We decided to start a Christmas Bonus Promo for our Top 250 Affiliates.

Starting today, all Top 250 Affiliates and Partners will recieve 25 % of all generated total earnings.

The Bonus Promo will end on 18.12.2010

We wish you a great time and holidays. Watch out for more great news!
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