- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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Hi BitShare,

I can't receive your complete payment over 1 week, please check. Thanks.

account name: checkmail
payment request date: 2011-08-25 19:18

account name: checkmail2
payment request date: 2011-08-15 21:40
hhmm, weekend has passed, any words from you guys?

I have send a few PM for you, I hope you can help me to check why did all of my file is gone and you can check the statistic that i have avergae more than 100 per day and since I notice the stat go down and find out my temp folder and waittoremote folder is wiped out...
temp folder with 3000 links
and another folder have about 1000 link...

Is there any chance to get those file back?
hope to hear from you soon.

As you mentioned that might be a bug, but did the support team found it? have it been fixed?
As this the second time which occurs, hopefully it will be stable again.
pocs: About your downloads, we have no idea whats up with that. The file-delete problem was no problem at all, just a small display bug.

titousekr: For that, please check our facebook page.

dj.of_pay: With new page update coming soon, we will add this.

We are sorry for the delay of sales option, but currently our team is working on another projects/tasks.
Thats why many features still delaying.
For the ones with patience, you will see many NEW and unseen FEATURES (+ long announced new tool) coming soon.
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@Bitshare: Do you fix your problem with Paypal ?? Still waiting payments

In queue 2011-07-01 9:18
In queue 2011-08-27 9:18
In queue 2011-09-17 14:15
pocs: About your downloads, we have no idea whats up with that. The file-delete problem was no problem at all, just a small display bug.

hhmm, ok i don't mind about the download statistc dropping from 200 to 30 per day...
as you said "the file-delete problem was no problem, just a small display bug"... I went in to my temp folder, and waittoremote folder, but they are empty... there is at least 3000 link...
checking my quota usage, the number seems right before and after i notice the stat drop...
I can't receive your complete payment over 1 week,
Please Recheck for me
my account :

But can't receive payment..................!
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